Alipay Payment Request

Definition: POST

Below you will find a full example of a payment request for Alipay method (with Success and Bad response). The parameters of the payment are sent in the message body as a JSON object.

For Alipay payments only the following Articles parameters are mandatory to be sent in the request, the rest of them are optional:

  • Name – Article’s name;
  • Quantity – The number of products.

A 201 HTTP response (Created) is returned if the payment was correctly initialized.

For more information about status codes, please go to Basic HTTP Status Codes.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h31",
    "Amount": "100",
    "Currency": "CNY",      
    "MethodID": 24,
    "ReturnURL": "",      
    "TokenLifetime": 10,
    "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "CN"
    "Articles": [
      "Name": "TEST",
      "Quantity": 1


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 4201852,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20181120122556",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h31",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "100",
        "Currency": "CNY",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": null,
        "MethodID": 24,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "NotificationDateTime": "20181120122556",
        "Customer": null,
        "BillingAddress": null,
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": [
                "MerchantArticleID": null,
                "Name": "TEST",
                "Quantity": 1,
                "Price": null,
                "VAT": null,
                "Discount": null,
                "Type": null,
                "TaxType": null,
                "DiscountValue": null
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": null,
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": null,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Open",
            "Reasons": null
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": null,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": null

In case of an API error, an HTTP 4xx (you did something wrong) or HTTP 5xx (we did something wrong) response is returned.

For more information about the reasons of a wrong request response see our section GlobalPay Return Codes.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h32",
    "Amount": "100",
    "Currency": "CN",      
    "MethodID": 24,
    "ReturnURL": "",      
    "TokenLifetime": 10,
    "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "CN"
    "Articles": [
      "Name": "TEST",
      "Quantity": 1


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": null,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": null,
        "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h32",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "100",
        "Currency": "CN",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": null,
        "MethodID": 24,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": null,
        "NotificationDateTime": null,
        "Customer": null,
        "BillingAddress": null,
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": null,
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": null,
        "Status": {
            "ID": null,
            "Info": null,
            "Reasons": [
                    "Code": "2",
                    "Info": "Validation failed - Currency (RegEx: ^[A-Z]{3}$)"
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": null,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": null

Alipay POS Payment Request

Definition: POST

Below you will find a full example of a payment request for Alipay POS method (with Success and Bad response). The parameters of the payment are sent in the message body as a JSON object.

For Alipay POS payments the following Details parameters are mandatory to be sent in the request:

  • IsOffline – Offline payment method;
  • StoreName – Store name. Can be null only when the store information is verified;
  • StoreId – Store ID;
  • TerminalID – POS Terminal ID.

A 201 HTTP response (Created) is returned if the payment was correctly initialized.

For more information about status codes, please go to Basic HTTP Status Codes.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

    "Payment": {
        "MerchantTransactionID": "AlipayPlus-{{$timestamp}}",
        "Amount": 100,
        "Currency": "CNY",
        "MethodID": 24,
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "TokenLifetime": 10,
        "BillingAddress": {
            "Country": "CN"
        "Customer": {
            "Email": "",
            "FirstName": "Test",
            "LastName": "Test",
            "Phone": "00000000"
        "Details": {    
      "IsOffline": true,
      "StoreName": "Zara Palace Mall",
      "StoreId": "ZA2345",
      "TerminalID": "T8999"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 6883549,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20240321085116",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "AlipayPlus-1711011077",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "100",
        "Currency": "CNY",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "ReturnURLSuccess": null,
        "ReturnURLFailure": null,
        "ReturnURLCancel": null,
        "ReturnURLProcessing": null,
        "Description": "",
        "MethodID": 24,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "MethodOptionIdString": null,
        "BankName": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30563,
        "NotificationDateTime": null,
        "Customer": {
            "MerchantCustomerID": null,
            "Email": "",
            "FirstName": "Test",
            "LastName": "Test",
            "Gender": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "Phone": "00000000",
            "Company": null,
            "DateOfBirth": null
        "BillingAddress": {
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "CN"
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": {
            "AccountNumber": null,
            "AccountHolder": null,
            "IBAN": null,
            "Address": null,
            "BIC": null,
            "PrepaidCard": null,
            "PrepaidCardPIN": null,
            "ConfirmationCode": null,
            "Store": null,
            "SerialNumbers": null,
            "Wallet": null,
            "ReferenceNumber": null,
            "PayerCountry": null,
            "PayerEmail": null,
            "PayerPhone": null,
            "BankCode": null,
            "Pin": null,
            "BankName": null,
            "BankSortCode": null,
            "BankAccountNumber": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "BillingCycleStart": null,
            "BillingCycleEnd": null,
            "UnsubscribeInstructions": null,
            "CustomerLoginID": null,
            "PaidAmount": null,
            "PaidCurrency": null,
            "ProviderExchangeRate": 0.0,
            "ProviderBlockChain": null,
            "PayerBankAccountID": null,
            "PayerID": null,
            "CryptoAmount": null,
            "CryptoCurrency": null,
            "CryptoAddress": null,
            "AvailableBalance": null,
            "CurrentBalance": null,
            "Installments": null
        "ReferenceDetails": {
            "BankCode": null,
            "BankName": null,
            "EntityID": null,
            "EntityNumber": null,
            "ReferenceID": null,
            "ReferenceNumber": null,
            "SwiftBIC": null,
            "AccountCurrency": null,
            "AccountNumber": null,
            "AccountHolder": null,
            "IBAN": null,
            "Address": null,
            "AmountToPay": null,
            "QRCodeURL": "",
            "Instructions": null,
            "BoletoURL": null,
            "SortCode": null
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": null,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Open",
            "Reasons": null
        "Fraud": null,
        "MethodTransactionID": "20240321190741010003H0005811115",
        "OriginalMerchantTID": null,
        "Unknown": false,
        "TokenLifetime": 10,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": "",
        "Splits": null

In case of an API error, an HTTP 4xx (you did something wrong) or HTTP 5xx (we did something wrong) response is returned.

For more information about the reasons of a wrong request response see our section GlobalPay Return Codes.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

    "Payment": {
        "MerchantTransactionID": "AlipayPlus-{{$timestamp}}",
        "Amount": 100,
        "Currency": "CNY",
        "MethodID": 24,
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "TokenLifetime": 10,
        "BillingAddress": {
            "Country": "China"
        "Customer": {
            "Email": "",
            "FirstName": "Test",
            "LastName": "Test",
            "Phone": "00000000"
        "Details": {    
      "IsOffline": true,
      "StoreName": "Zara Palace Mall",
      "StoreId": "ZA2345",
      "TerminalID": "T8999"


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 6883560,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20240321090237",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "AlipayPlus-1711011757",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "100",
        "Currency": "CNY",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "ReturnURLSuccess": null,
        "ReturnURLFailure": null,
        "ReturnURLCancel": null,
        "ReturnURLProcessing": null,
        "Description": null,
        "MethodID": 24,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "MethodOptionIdString": null,
        "BankName": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30563,
        "NotificationDateTime": "20240321090237",
        "Customer": null,
        "BillingAddress": null,
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": null,
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": null,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 4,
            "Info": "Failed",
            "Reasons": [
                    "Code": "147",
                    "Info": "Address details are invalid (BillingAddress)Country - RegEx: ^[a-zA-Z]{2}$;"
        "Fraud": null,
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "OriginalMerchantTID": null,
        "Unknown": false,
        "TokenLifetime": null,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": null,
        "Splits": null

Alipay POS Test Data

For Alipay payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Alipay POS Payment Flow

    1. The Customer selects his preferred currency from the list and continues the payment.1 Select currency

You can skip this step by sending in the initial POST the following parameters: SkipHPP=1 and CustomerEmail.

  1. The Customer is redirected to Alipay payment page. The Customer opens Alipay application and scans the QR code.1 Payment version
  2. The payment details are displayed on the client’s Alipay app on their smartphone; the customer confirms the payment by pressing Pay now.
  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL by pressing the Return to Merchant button1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Bank Transfer Payment Request

Definition: POST

Below you will find a full example of a payment request for Bank Transfer method (with Success and Bad response). The parameters of the payment are sent in the message body as a JSON object.

In order to display the bank transfer details to your customers on your own page, you can send in the request the CustomerName and Country parameters. Use the information received in Response in the ReferenceDetails object.

A 201 HTTP response (Created) is returned if the payment was correctly initialized.

For more information about status codes, please go to Basic HTTP Status Codes.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h35",
    "Amount": 400,
    "Currency": "PLN",
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "BankTransferTestdetails",
    "MethodID": "1",
    "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "DE"
    "Customer": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 4178425,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20181107093433",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h35",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "400",
        "Currency": "PLN",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": "BankTransferTestdetails",
        "MethodID": 1,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "NotificationDateTime": null,
        "Customer": {
            "ID": 142823,
            "MerchantCustomerID": null,
            "Email": null,
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "Gender": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber2": null,
            "Phone": null,
            "Company": null,
            "DateOfBirth": null
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 420,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "DE"
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": {
            "BankCode": null,
            "BankName": "ING Bank",
            "EntityID": null,
            "EntityNumber": null,
            "ReferenceID": null,
            "ReferenceNumber": "HPP4178425",
            "SwiftBIC": "INGBDEFF",
            "AccountCurrency": "EUR",
            "AccountNumber": "0010126423",
            "AccountHolder": "Stichting Smart2Pay Escrow Services",
            "IBAN": "DE72 5002 1000 0010 1264 23",
            "AmountToPay": "0.93 EUR",
            "QRCodeURL": null,
            "Instructions": null
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": null,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Open",
            "Reasons": null
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": 1,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": ""

There is another possibility to initiate a Bank Transfer transaction where you can send your own Reference Number in the request. Checkout the below example with the ReferenceNumber parameter sent in the request together with Customer parameters:


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h39",
    "Amount": 400,
    "Currency": "PLN",
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "BankTransferTestdetails",
    "MethodID": "1",
    "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "DE"
    "Customer": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe"
    "Details": {
      "ReferenceNumber": "your_reference_number"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 4178441,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20181107095318",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h39",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "400",
        "Currency": "PLN",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": "BankTransferTestdetails",
        "MethodID": 1,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "NotificationDateTime": null,
        "Customer": {
            "ID": 142823,
            "MerchantCustomerID": null,
            "Email": null,
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "Gender": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber2": null,
            "Phone": null,
            "Company": null,
            "DateOfBirth": null
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 420,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "DE"
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": {
            "AccountNumber": null,
            "AccountHolder": null,
            "IBAN": null,
            "BIC": null,
            "PrepaidCard": null,
            "PrepaidCardPIN": null,
            "SerialNumbers": null,
            "Wallet": null,
            "ReferenceNumber": null,
            "PayerCountry": null,
            "PayerEmail": null,
            "PayerPhone": null,
            "BankCode": null,
            "BankName": null,
            "BankSortCode": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "BillingCycleStart": null,
            "BillingCycleEnd": null,
            "UnsubscribeInstructions": null,
            "CustomerLoginID": null,
            "PaidAmount": null,
            "PaidCurrency": null,
            "ProviderExchangeRate": 0,
            "PayerBankAccountID": null
        "ReferenceDetails": {
            "BankCode": null,
            "BankName": "ING Bank",
            "EntityID": null,
            "EntityNumber": null,
            "ReferenceID": null,
            "ReferenceNumber": "your_reference_number",
            "SwiftBIC": "INGBDEFF",
            "AccountCurrency": "EUR",
            "AccountNumber": "0010126423",
            "AccountHolder": "Stichting Smart2Pay Escrow Services",
            "IBAN": "DE72 5002 1000 0010 1264 23",
            "AmountToPay": "0.93 EUR",
            "QRCodeURL": null,
            "Instructions": null
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": null,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Open",
            "Reasons": null
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": 1,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": ""

In case of an API error, an HTTP 4xx (you did something wrong) or HTTP 5xx (we did something wrong) response is returned.

For more information about the reasons of a wrong request response see our section GlobalPay Return Codes.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h36",
    "Amount": 400,
    "Currency": "PLN",
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "BankTransferTestdetails",
    "MethodID": "1",
    "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "Germany"
    "Customer": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe"


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 4178427,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20181107094050",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h36",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "400",
        "Currency": "PLN",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": "BankTransferTestdetails",
        "MethodID": 1,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "NotificationDateTime": "20181107094050",
        "Customer": null,
        "BillingAddress": null,
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": null,
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": null,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 4,
            "Info": "Failed",
            "Reasons": [
                    "Code": "147",
                    "Info": "Address details are invalid (BillingAddress)Country - RegEx: ^[a-zA-Z]{2}$;"
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": null,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": null

Cards Russia Refund Request (Fiscalization)

This setup is required for the Merchants that decide to setup the interaction with their online sales register via Yandex.Checkout.

For Cards Russia the refunds can be full and/or partial depending if you have to return all the money to customer or not. A particular case is for Partial refund as you will need to provide additional parameters.

Below there are two examples of a refund request: one for a full refund, where no additional parameters are needed and one for a partial refund, where additional parameters are needed.

Definition: POST /v1/payments/{id}/refunds

  • {id} – GlobalPay Payment ID

A 201 HTTP response (Created) is returned if the refund was correctly initialized.

Full refund means you can only refund the entire paid amount for the initial transaction. For full refund you only need to send the Amount parameter, like in the below example:


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Refund": {
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_g28_a",
    "Amount": 100


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "Refund": {
    "ID": 16405,
    "Created": "20170803095139",
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_g28_a",
    "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
    "InitialPaymentID": 300538912,
    "Amount": "100",
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "Description": null,
    "TypeID": 5,
    "SiteID": 30201,
    "Details": null,
    "Customer": null,
    "BillingAddress": null,
    "BankAddress": null,
    "Articles": null,
    "Status": {
      "ID": 1,
      "Info": "Open",
      "Reasons": null

For Cards Russia a particular case is for Partial refund as you will need to provide the below additional parameters in request: Merchant Article ID and Quantity, like in the below example:


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Refund": {
    "MerchantTransactionID": "YandexPartialRefund",
    "Amount": 980,
    "Articles": [
        "MerchantArticleID": "1231",
        "Quantity": 1


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "Refund": {
    "ID": 0,
    "Created": null,
    "MerchantTransactionID": "YandexPartialRefund",
    "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
    "InitialPaymentID": 3006154,
    "Amount": "980",
    "Currency": null,
    "Description": null,
    "TypeID": 0,
    "SiteID": 30201,
    "Details": null,
    "Customer": null,
    "BillingAddress": null,
    "BankAddress": null,
    "Articles": [
        "MerchantArticleID": "1231",
        "Name": null,
        "Quantity": 1,
        "Price": 0,
        "VAT": 0,
        "Discount": 0,
        "Type": null,
        "DiscountValue": 0
    "Status": {
      "ID": 1,
      "Info": "Open",
      "Reasons": null

AlipayHK Preapproval Request

Definition: POST /v1/preapprovals

To initiate a preapproval, you must create a preapproval object. The parameters of the preapproval are sent in the message body as a JSON object. See below an example of a preapproval request for AlipayHK (1143).


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

 "Preapproval": {
   "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_alipayhk1",
   "Currency": "HKD",
   "Description": "1 year subscription",
   "ReturnURL": "",
   "MethodID": 1145,
   "Customer": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Email": ""
   "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "HK"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Preapproval": {
        "ID": 28082,
        "Created": "20210202165209",
        "MethodID": 1145,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_alipayhk1",
        "RecurringPeriod": 0,
        "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
        "Currency": "HKD",
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": "1 year subscription",
        "Customer": {
            "ID": 2625948,
            "MerchantCustomerID": null,
            "Email": "",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "Gender": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "Phone": null,
            "Company": null,
            "DateOfBirth": null
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 986,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "HK"
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Pending",
            "Reasons": null
        "RedirectURL": "",
        "MethodOptionID": 0,
        "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
        "MandateReference": null,
        "Details": null

AlipayHK Preapproval Flow

AlipayHK Test Data
Data Value
Phone Number: Enter any 10 digit number. Example: 1234567812
Verification code: Enter any 6 digit number. Example: 123456
Payment password: Enter any 6 digit number. Example: 123456
  1. The customer is redirected to AlipayHK page. The customer needs to add their phone number attached to the AlipayHK wallet.
    1 Add phone number
  2. The customer enters the SMS verification code received via mobile phone.
    1 Verification Code
  3. The customer sees the preapproval details, agrees with the AlipayHK Terms and Conditions and confirms the auto-debit user agreement.
    1 Confirm agreement
  4. The customer enters the payment password. For testing purposes, enter any 6 digit number eg. 123456.
    1 Confirm agreement
  5. The customer is redirected to the AlipayHK confirmation page.
    1 Confirmation page
  6. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is processing

AlipayHK Preapproval Notification

We will notify you about the new status of the preapproval to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Preapproval notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

  "Preapproval": {
    "ID": 28082,
    "Created": "20210202165209",
    "MethodID": 1145,
    "SiteID": 30201,
    "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_alipayhk1",
    "RecurringPeriod": null,
    "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
    "Currency": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "1 year subscription",
    "Customer": {
      "ID": 2625948,
      "MerchantCustomerID": null,
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Gender": null,
      "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
      "Phone": null,
      "Company": null,
      "DateOfBirth": null
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 986,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "HK"
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": null,
      "Reasons": null
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
    "MandateReference": null,
    "Details": null

AlipayHK Recurring Payment

Definition: POST /v1/payments/recurrent

A recurring payment is created in the same manner a one-off payment is created. In addition, you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the information specific to each payment method.

For AlipayHK (1145), you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the Amount to be captured.

Checkout the below example of a recurring payment request for AlipayHK (1145) that is based on the PreapprovalID. Please send in the payment request the Description parameter and Country parameter that should be the same with the one sent in the Preapproval request.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

  "Payment": {
    "PreapprovalID": 28082,
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_alipayhk2",
    "Amount": 100,
    "Currency": "HKD",
    "MethodID": 1145,
    "Description": "Recurring payment",
    "BillingAddress": {
    "Country": "HK"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 5879765,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20210202171203",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_alipayhk2",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "100",
        "Currency": "HKD",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": null,
        "Description": "Recurring payment",
        "MethodID": 1145,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "NotificationDateTime": null,
        "Customer": null,
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 986,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "HK"
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": null,
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": 28082,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Open",
            "Reasons": null
        "Fraud": null,
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": null,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": null,
        "Splits": null

We will notify you about the new status of the payment to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Payment notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

  "Payment": {
    "ID": 5879765,
    "SkinID": null,
    "ClientIP": null,
    "Created": "20210202171203",
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_alipayhk2",
    "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
    "Amount": "100",
    "Currency": "HKD",
    "CapturedAmount": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "Recurring payment",
    "MethodID": 1145,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
    "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
    "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
    "SiteID": 30201,
    "NotificationDateTime": null,
    "Customer": null,
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 986,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "HK"
    "ShippingAddress": null,
    "Articles": null,
    "Details": null,
    "ReferenceDetails": null,
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "PreapprovalID": 28082,
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": "Success",
      "Reasons": null
    "Fraud": null,
    "MethodTransactionID": null,
    "TokenLifetime": null,
    "Capture": null,
    "PreapprovalDetails": null,
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "Splits": null

Dana Preapproval Request

Definition: POST /v1/preapprovals

To initiate a preapproval, you must create a preapproval object. The parameters of the preapproval are sent in the message body as a JSON object. See below an example of a preapproval request for Dana (1136).


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

 "Preapproval": {
   "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_Dana_Preapproval",
   "Currency": "IDR",
   "Description": "1 year subscription",
   "ReturnURL": "",
   "MethodID": 1136,
   "Customer": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Email": ""
   "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "ID"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Preapproval": {
        "ID": 22265,
        "Created": "20200330142046",
        "MethodID": 1136,
        "SiteID": 30597,
        "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_Dana_Preapproval",
        "RecurringPeriod": 0,
        "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
        "Currency": "IDR",
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": "1 year subscription",
        "Customer": {
            "ID": 2622497,
            "MerchantCustomerID": null,
            "Email": "",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "Gender": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "Phone": null,
            "Company": null,
            "DateOfBirth": null
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 657,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "ID"
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Pending",
            "Reasons": null
        "RedirectURL": "",
        "MethodOptionID": 0,
        "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
        "MandateReference": null,
        "Details": null

Dana Preapproval Flow

Dana Test Data
Data Value
Phone Number: Enter any 11 digit number. Example: 12345678123
Verification Code: Enter any 6 digit number. Example: 123456
PIN number: Enter any 6 digit number. Example: 123456
  1. The customer is redirected to Dana page. The customer needs to add their phone number attached to the Dana wallet.1 Add phone number
  2. The customer fills in the 5-digit code received via SMS.1 SMS digit code
  3. The customer enters the PIN number.1 SMS 6 digit code
  4. The customer confirms the auto-debit user agreement1 Confirm agreement

Dana Preapproval Notification

We will notify you about the new status of the preapproval to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Preapproval notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Preapproval": {
    "ID": 22265,
    "Created": "20200330142046",
    "MethodID": 1136,
    "SiteID": 30597,
    "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_Dana_Preapproval",
    "RecurringPeriod": 0,
    "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
    "Currency": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "1 year subscription",
    "Customer": {
      "ID": 2622497,
      "MerchantCustomerID": null,
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Gender": null,
      "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
      "Phone": null,
      "Company": null,
      "DateOfBirth": null
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 657,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "ID"
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": null,
      "Reasons": null
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "MethodOptionID": 0,
    "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
    "MandateReference": null,
    "Details": null

Dana Recurring Payment

Definition: POST /v1/payments/recurrent

A recurring payment is created in the same manner a one-off payment is created. In addition, you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the information specific to each payment method.

For Dana (1136), you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the Amount to be captured.

Checkout the below example of a recurring payment request for Dana (1136) that is based on the PreapprovalID. Please send in the payment request the Description parameter and Country parameter that should be the same with the ones sent in the Preapproval request.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "PreapprovalID": 22265,
    "MerchantTransactionID": "reccuringPayin-DanaRecurrent",
    "Amount": 100,
    "Currency": "IDR",
    "MethodID": 1136,
    "Description": "recurring payment",
    "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "ID"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 4937474,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20200330142936",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "reccuringPayin-DanaRecurrent",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "100",
        "Currency": "IDR",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": null,
        "Description": "recurring payment",
        "MethodID": 1136,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30597,
        "NotificationDateTime": null,
        "Customer": null,
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 657,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "ID"
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": null,
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": 22265,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Open",
            "Reasons": null
        "Fraud": null,
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": null,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": null

We will notify you about the new status of the payment to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Payment notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "ID": 4937474,
    "SkinID": null,
    "ClientIP": null,
    "Created": "20200330142936",
    "MerchantTransactionID": "reccuringPayin-DanaRecurrent",
    "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
    "Amount": "100",
    "Currency": "IDR",
    "CapturedAmount": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "recurring payment",
    "MethodID": 1136,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
    "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
    "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
    "SiteID": 30597,
    "NotificationDateTime": null,
    "Customer": null,
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 657,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "ID"
    "ShippingAddress": null,
    "Articles": null,
    "Details": null,
    "ReferenceDetails": null,
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "PreapprovalID": 22265,
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": "Success",
      "Reasons": null
    "Fraud": null,
    "MethodTransactionID": null,
    "TokenLifetime": null,
    "Capture": null,
    "PreapprovalDetails": null,
    "RedirectURL": null

GCash Preapproval Request

Definition: POST /v1/preapprovals

To initiate a preapproval, you must create a preapproval object. The parameters of the preapproval are sent in the message body as a JSON object. See below an example of a preapproval request for GCash (1134).

With GCash, you can create preapprovals that can allow you to form subsequent recurrent payments. This is the most flexible type and allows the merchant to fully control when to initiate the money transfer(s) between the end user’s account and the merchant’s account (credits or debits). The Preapproval call basically creates a transaction representing the end user’s authorization to use their account for payments on the terms set in the request.

A transaction ID is returned to the merchant within the return URL in the Preapproval response/notification. The merchant must store this transaction ID in the end user’s payment profile to allow future recurrent requests.
This ID is active for 2 years and then the token that allows subsequent recurrent payments will be automatically refreshed after this time period.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

 "Preapproval": {
   "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_h-1test52",
   "Currency": "PHP",
   "Description": "1 year subscription",
   "ReturnURL": "",
   "MethodID": 1134,
   "Customer": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Email": ""
   "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "PH"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Preapproval": {
        "ID": 22256,
        "Created": "20200330101451",
        "MethodID": 1134,
        "SiteID": 30597,
        "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_h-1test52",
        "RecurringPeriod": 0,
        "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
        "Currency": "PHP",
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": "1 year subscription",
        "Customer": {
            "ID": 2622497,
            "MerchantCustomerID": null,
            "Email": "",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "Gender": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "Phone": null,
            "Company": null,
            "DateOfBirth": null
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 644,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "PH"
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Pending",
            "Reasons": null
        "RedirectURL": "",
        "MethodOptionID": 0,
        "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
        "MandateReference": null,
        "Details": null

GCash Preapproval Flow

GCash Test Data
Data Value
Phone Number: Enter any 10 digit number. Example: 1234567812
Authentication Code: Enter any 6 digit number. Example: 123456
PIN Number: Enter any 4 digit number. Example: 1234
  1. The Customer enters his mobile phone number.1 Enter phone
  2. The Customer enters the authentication code that was send to his mobile phone number.1 Enter Authentication Code
  3. The customer logs in to his GCash account by entering his PIN number.1 Account login
  4. The customer reviews the details and confirms the preapproval.1 Payment password
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is processing

GCash Preapproval Notification

We will notify you about the new status of the preapproval to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Preapproval notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Preapproval": {
    "ID": 22256,
    "Created": "20200330101451",
    "MethodID": 1134,
    "SiteID": 30597,
    "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_h-1test52",
    "RecurringPeriod": 0,
    "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
    "Currency": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "1 year subscription",
    "Customer": {
      "ID": 2622497,
      "MerchantCustomerID": null,
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Gender": null,
      "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
      "Phone": null,
      "Company": null,
      "DateOfBirth": null
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 644,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "PH"
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": null,
      "Reasons": null
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "MethodOptionID": 0,
    "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
    "MandateReference": null,
    "Details": null

GCash Recurring Payment

Definition: POST /v1/payments/recurrent

A recurring payment is created in the same manner a one-off payment is created. In addition, you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the information specific to each payment method.

For GCash (1134), you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the Amount to be captured.

Checkout the below example of a recurring payment request for GCash (1134) that is based on the PreapprovalID. Please send in the payment request the Description parameter and Country parameter that should be the same with the ones sent in the Preapproval request.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "PreapprovalID": 22256,
    "MerchantTransactionID": "reccuringPayina-AlipayOSP666",
    "Amount": 100,
    "Currency": "PHP",
    "MethodID": 1134,
    "Description": "recurring payment",
    "BillingAddress": {
    "Country": "PH"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 4936892,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20200330102706",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "reccuringPayina-AlipayOSP666",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": 100,
        "Currency": "PHP",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": null,
        "Description": "recurring payment",
        "MethodID": 1134,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30597,
        "NotificationDateTime": null,
        "Customer": null,
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 644,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "PH"
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": null,
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": 22256,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Open",
            "Reasons": null
        "Fraud": null,
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": null,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": null

We will notify you about the new status of the payment to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Payment notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "ID": 4936892,
    "SkinID": null,
    "ClientIP": null,
    "Created": "20200330102706",
    "MerchantTransactionID": "reccuringPayina-AlipayOSP666",
    "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
    "Amount": 100,
    "Currency": "PHP",
    "CapturedAmount": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "recurring payment",
    "MethodID": 1134,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
    "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
    "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
    "SiteID": 30597,
    "NotificationDateTime": null,
    "Customer": null,
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 644,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "PH"
    "ShippingAddress": null,
    "Articles": null,
    "Details": null,
    "ReferenceDetails": null,
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "PreapprovalID": 22256,
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": "Success",
      "Reasons": null
    "Fraud": null,
    "MethodTransactionID": null,
    "TokenLifetime": null,
    "Capture": null,
    "PreapprovalDetails": null,
    "RedirectURL": null

KakaoPay Preapproval Request

Definition: POST /v1/preapprovals

To initiate a preapproval, you must create a preapproval object. The parameters of the preapproval are sent in the message body as a JSON object. See below an example of a preapproval request for KakaoPay (1135).


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

 "Preapproval": {
   "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_kAKAOPAY_PreapprovalS1",
   "Currency": "KRW",
   "Description": "1 year subscription",
   "ReturnURL": "",
   "MethodID": 1135,
   "Customer": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Email": ""
   "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "KR"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Preapproval": {
        "ID": 22276,
        "Created": "20200331063928",
        "MethodID": 1135,
        "SiteID": 30597,
        "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_kAKAOPAY_PreapprovalS1",
        "RecurringPeriod": 0,
        "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
        "Currency": "KRW",
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": "1 year subscription",
        "Customer": {
            "ID": 2622497,
            "MerchantCustomerID": null,
            "Email": "",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "Gender": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "Phone": null,
            "Company": null,
            "DateOfBirth": null
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 657,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "KR"
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Pending",
            "Reasons": null
        "RedirectURL": "",
        "MethodOptionID": 0,
        "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
        "MandateReference": null,
        "Details": null

Kakaopay Preapproval Flow

  1. The customer is redirected to KakaoPay page where the user needs to confirm the terms of the payment.1 Confirm payment
  2. The Customer fills in the 6-digit code received via SMS. For testing purposes, enter any 6 digit number.1 SMS 6 digit code
  3. The customer confirms the auto-debit user agreement1 Confirm agreement

KakaoPay Preapproval Notification

We will notify you about the new status of the preapproval to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Preapproval notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Preapproval": {
    "ID": 22276,
    "Created": "20200331063928",
    "MethodID": 1135,
    "SiteID": 30597,
    "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_kAKAOPAY_PreapprovalS1",
    "RecurringPeriod": 0,
    "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
    "Currency": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "1 year subscription",
    "Customer": {
      "ID": 2622497,
      "MerchantCustomerID": null,
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Gender": null,
      "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
      "Phone": null,
      "Company": null,
      "DateOfBirth": null
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 657,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "ID"
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": null,
      "Reasons": null
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "MethodOptionID": 0,
    "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
    "MandateReference": null,
    "Details": null

KakaoPay Recurring Payment

Definition: POST /v1/payments/recurrent

A recurring payment is created in the same manner a one-off payment is created. In addition, you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the information specific to each payment method.

For KakaoPay (1135), you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the Amount to be captured.

Checkout the below example of a recurring payment request for KakaoPay (1135) that is based on the PreapprovalID. Please send in the payment request the Description parameter and Country parameter that should be the same with the ones sent in the Preapproval request.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "PreapprovalID": 22276,
    "MerchantTransactionID": "reccuringPayin-GCashRecurrent526",
    "Amount": 100,
    "Currency": "KRW",
    "MethodID": 1135,
    "Description": "recurring payment",
    "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "KR"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 4938078,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20200331072856",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "reccuringPayin-GCashRecurrent526",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "100",
        "Currency": "KRW",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": null,
        "Description": "recurring payment",
        "MethodID": 1135,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30597,
        "NotificationDateTime": null,
        "Customer": null,
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 653,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "KR"
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": null,
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": 22276,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Open",
            "Reasons": null
        "Fraud": null,
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": null,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": null

We will notify you about the new status of the payment to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Payment notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "ID": 4938078,
    "SkinID": null,
    "ClientIP": null,
    "Created": "20200331072856",
    "MerchantTransactionID": "reccuringPayin-GCashRecurrent526",
    "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
    "Amount": "100",
    "Currency": "KRW",
    "CapturedAmount": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "recurring payment",
    "MethodID": 1135,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
    "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
    "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
    "SiteID": 30597,
    "NotificationDateTime": null,
    "Customer": null,
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 653,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "KR"
    "ShippingAddress": null,
    "Articles": null,
    "Details": null,
    "ReferenceDetails": null,
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "PreapprovalID": 22276,
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": "Success",
      "Reasons": null
    "Fraud": null,
    "MethodTransactionID": null,
    "TokenLifetime": null,
    "Capture": null,
    "PreapprovalDetails": null,
    "RedirectURL": null

Truemoney Preapproval Request

Definition: POST /v1/preapprovals

To initiate a preapproval, you must create a preapproval object. The parameters of the preapproval are sent in the message body as a JSON object. See below an example of a preapproval request for Truemoney (1143).


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

 "Preapproval": {
   "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_truemoney3",
   "Currency": "THB",
   "Description": "1 year subscription",
   "ReturnURL": "",
   "MethodID": 1143,
   "Customer": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Email": ""
   "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "TH"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Preapproval": {
        "ID": 28076,
        "Created": "20210202153841",
        "MethodID": 1143,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_truemoney3",
        "RecurringPeriod": 0,
        "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
        "Currency": "THB",
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": "1 year subscription",
        "Customer": {
            "ID": 2625948,
            "MerchantCustomerID": null,
            "Email": "",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "Gender": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "Phone": null,
            "Company": null,
            "DateOfBirth": null
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 1540,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "TH"
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Pending",
            "Reasons": null
        "RedirectURL": "",
        "MethodOptionID": 0,
        "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
        "MandateReference": null,
        "Details": null

Truemoney Preapproval Flow

Truemoney Test Data
Data Value
Phone Number: Enter any 10 digit number. Example: 1234567812
Password: Enter any 4 digit number. Example: 1234
  1. The customer is redirected to Truemoney page. The customer needs to add their phone number attached to the Truemoney wallet and the password.1 Add phone number
  2. The customer confirms the auto-debit user agreement1 Confirm agreement
  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is processing

Truemoney Preapproval Notification

We will notify you about the new status of the preapproval to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Preapproval notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

  "Preapproval": {
    "ID": 28076,
    "Created": "20210202153841",
    "MethodID": 1143,
    "SiteID": 30201,
    "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_truemoney3",
    "RecurringPeriod": null,
    "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
    "Currency": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "1 year subscription",
    "Customer": {
      "ID": 2625948,
      "MerchantCustomerID": null,
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Gender": null,
      "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
      "Phone": null,
      "Company": null,
      "DateOfBirth": null
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 1540,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "TH"
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": null,
      "Reasons": null
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
    "MandateReference": null,
    "Details": null

Truemoney Recurring Payment

Definition: POST /v1/payments/recurrent

A recurring payment is created in the same manner a one-off payment is created. In addition, you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the information specific to each payment method.

For Truemoney (1143), you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the Amount to be captured.

Checkout the below example of a recurring payment request for Truemoney (1143) that is based on the PreapprovalID. Please send in the payment request the Description parameter and Country parameter that should be the same with the ones sent in the Preapproval request.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

  "Payment": {
    "PreapprovalID": 28076,
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_truemoney1",
    "Amount": 100,
    "Currency": "THB",
    "MethodID": 1143,
    "Description": "recurring payment",
    "BillingAddress": {
    "Country": "TH"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 5879743,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20210202154700",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_truemoney1",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "100",
        "Currency": "THB",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": null,
        "Description": "recurring payment",
        "MethodID": 1143,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "NotificationDateTime": null,
        "Customer": null,
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 1540,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "TH"
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": null,
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": 28076,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Open",
            "Reasons": null
        "Fraud": null,
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": null,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": null,
        "Splits": null

We will notify you about the new status of the payment to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Payment notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

  "Payment": {
    "ID": 5879743,
    "SkinID": null,
    "ClientIP": null,
    "Created": "20210202154700",
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_truemoney1",
    "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
    "Amount": "100",
    "Currency": "THB",
    "CapturedAmount": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "recurring payment",
    "MethodID": 1143,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
    "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
    "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
    "SiteID": 30201,
    "NotificationDateTime": null,
    "Customer": null,
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 1540,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "TH"
    "ShippingAddress": null,
    "Articles": null,
    "Details": null,
    "ReferenceDetails": null,
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "PreapprovalID": 28076,
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": "Success",
      "Reasons": null
    "Fraud": null,
    "MethodTransactionID": null,
    "TokenLifetime": null,
    "Capture": null,
    "PreapprovalDetails": null,
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "Splits": null

Touch’n Go eWallet Preapproval Request

Definition: POST /v1/preapprovals

To initiate a preapproval, you must create a preapproval object. The parameters of the preapproval are sent in the message body as a JSON object. See below an example of a preapproval request for Touch’n Go eWallet (1144).


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

 "Preapproval": {
   "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_tng1",
   "Currency": "MYR",
   "Description": "1 year subscription",
   "ReturnURL": "",
   "MethodID": 1144,
   "Customer": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Email": ""
   "BillingAddress": {
      "Country": "MY"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Preapproval": {
        "ID": 28080,
        "Created": "20210202161103",
        "MethodID": 1144,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_tng1",
        "RecurringPeriod": 0,
        "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
        "Currency": "MYR",
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": "1 year subscription",
        "Customer": {
            "ID": 2625948,
            "MerchantCustomerID": null,
            "Email": "",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "Gender": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "Phone": null,
            "Company": null,
            "DateOfBirth": null
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 701,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "MY"
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Pending",
            "Reasons": null
        "RedirectURL": "",
        "MethodOptionID": 0,
        "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
        "MandateReference": null,
        "Details": null

Touch’n Go eWallet Preapproval Flow

Touch’n Go eWalle Test Data
Data Value
Phone Number: Enter any 10 digit number. Example: 1234567812
PIN Number: Enter any 6 digit number. Example: 123456
  1. The customer is redirected to Touch’n Go page. The customer needs to add their phone number attached to the Touch’n wallet and the 6 digit PIN. For testing purposes, please enter any 6 digit number eg. 123456.
    1 Add phone number
  2. The customer confirms the auto-debit user agreement.
    1 Confirm agreement
  3. The customer is redirected to the Touch’n Go confirmation page.
    1 Add phone number
  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is processing

Touch’n Go eWallet Preapproval Notification

We will notify you about the new status of the preapproval to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Preapproval notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

  "Preapproval": {
    "ID": 28080,
    "Created": "20210202161103",
    "MethodID": 1144,
    "SiteID": 30201,
    "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_tng1",
    "RecurringPeriod": null,
    "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
    "Currency": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "1 year subscription",
    "Customer": {
      "ID": 2625948,
      "MerchantCustomerID": null,
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Gender": null,
      "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
      "Phone": null,
      "Company": null,
      "DateOfBirth": null
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 701,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "MY"
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": null,
      "Reasons": null
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
    "MandateReference": null,
    "Details": null

Touch’n Go eWallet Recurring Payment

Definition: POST /v1/payments/recurrent

A recurring payment is created in the same manner a one-off payment is created. In addition, you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the information specific to each payment method.

For Touch’n Go eWallet (1144), you need to send the PreapprovalID (the PreapprovalID received when you created/opened a preapproval) and the Amount to be captured.

Checkout the below example of a recurring payment request for Touch’n Go eWallet (1144) that is based on the PreapprovalID. Please send in the payment request the Description parameter and Country parameter that should be the same with the ones sent in the Preapproval request.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

  "Payment": {
    "PreapprovalID": 28080,
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_tng2",
    "Amount": 100,
    "Currency": "MYR",
    "MethodID": 1144,
    "Description": "Recurring payment",
    "BillingAddress": {
    "Country": "MY"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 5879762,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20210202162904",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_tng2",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "100",
        "Currency": "MYR",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": null,
        "Description": "Recurring payment",
        "MethodID": 1144,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "NotificationDateTime": null,
        "Customer": null,
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 701,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "MY"
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": null,
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": 28080,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Open",
            "Reasons": null
        "Fraud": null,
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": null,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": null,
        "Splits": null