SEPA Direct Debit Recurring Payment

Direct Debits can be initiated based on the PreapprovalID received in the Preapproval response. If you wish to have the Direct Debit executed at a specific date, you only need to send in the request the ExecutionDate parameter.

  • Recurring payment request for SEPA Direct Debit (84) that is based on the PreapprovalID (also send in the request the Description parameter and Country parameter that should be the same with the ones sent in the Preapproval request):


    Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=
     "Payment": {
       "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h13",
       "Amount": 100,
       "Currency": "EUR",
       "MethodID": 84,
       "Description":"SEPA DD recurrent payment",
       "BillingAddress": {
         "Country": "NL"
  • Recurring payment request for SEPA Direct Debit (84) that includes ExecutionDate parameter:

    Execution day for a SEPA Direct Debit – the moment funds are transferred from debtor’s bank to the merchant’s SEPA DD account.This can be setup by the Merchant/customer by sending ExecutionDate in the Direct Debit payment request or it can be set by default by the SEPA DD provider (which is usually set at 1-2 days from the Direct Debit payment request date).


    Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=
     "Payment": {
       "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h19",
       "Amount": 100,
       "Currency": "EUR",
       "MethodID": 84,
       "Description":"SEPA recurrent payment with executiondate",
       "BillingAddress": {
         "Country": "NL"
       "ExecutionDate": "20200805"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Payment": {
        "ID": 4167022,
        "SkinID": null,
        "ClientIP": null,
        "Created": "20181101145456",
        "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h13",
        "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
        "Amount": "100",
        "Currency": "EUR",
        "CapturedAmount": null,
        "ReturnURL": null,
        "Description": "SEPA DD recurrent payment",
        "MethodID": 84,
        "MethodOptionID": null,
        "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
        "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
        "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "NotificationDateTime": null,
        "Customer": null,
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 309,
            "City": null,
            "ZipCode": null,
            "State": null,
            "Street": null,
            "StreetNumber": null,
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "NL"
        "ShippingAddress": null,
        "Articles": null,
        "Details": null,
        "ReferenceDetails": null,
        "CustomParameters": null,
        "PreapprovalID": 13199,
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Open",
            "Reasons": null
        "MethodTransactionID": null,
        "TokenLifetime": null,
        "Capture": null,
        "PreapprovalDetails": null,
        "RedirectURL": null

SEPA Direct Debit Recurring Payment Notification

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Payment notification for status Success (2):

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "ID": 4167022,
    "SkinID": null,
    "ClientIP": null,
    "Created": "20181101145458",
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_h13",
    "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
    "Amount": "100",
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": null,
    "MethodID": 84,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
    "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
    "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
    "SiteID": 30201,
    "NotificationDateTime": null,
    "Customer": null,
    "BillingAddress": null,
    "ShippingAddress": null,
    "Articles": null,
    "Details": null,
    "ReferenceDetails": null,
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "PreapprovalID": 13199,
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": "Success",
      "Reasons": null
    "MethodTransactionID": null,
    "TokenLifetime": null,
    "Capture": null,
    "PreapprovalDetails": null,
    "RedirectURL": null


204 No Content

The message contains a Payment object with an updated Status, which can have the following meanings:

ID Info Description
2 Success The transaction is successfully settled by the bank.
4 Failed The transaction has failed.
16 Reversed The customer did not recognize the payment and requested the funds back from his bank.
  • In case of a Failed or Reversed status, you will be given in the notification message the reasons why the payment got to that status. Additional information will be sent in the Reasons Code and Reasons Info fields. For a complete list of possible return codes please see our section GlobalPay Return Codes.

SEPA Direct Debit Return Codes
Return Code Description
221 R-Transaction : AC01 – Account Identifier incorrect (i.e. invalid IBAN of the Debtor).
222 R-Transaction : AC04 – Account closed.
223 R-Transaction : AC06 – Account blocked.
224 R-Transaction : AC13 – Debtor account is a consumer account.
225 R-Transaction : AC13 – Debtor account is a consumer account.
226 R-Transaction : AG02 – Operation code/transaction code/sequence type incorrect, invalid file format.
227 R-Transaction : AM04 – Insufficient funds.
228 R-Transaction : AM05 – Duplicate collection.
229 R-Transaction : BE05 – Identifier of the Creditor Incorrect.
230 R-Transaction : CNOR – Creditor Bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM.
231 R-Transaction : DNOR – Debtor Bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM.
232 R-Transaction : FF01 – File Format incomplete or invalid.
233 R-Transaction : MD01 – No mandate.
234 R-Transaction : MD02 – Mandate data missing or incorrect.
235 R-Transaction : MD06 – Disputed authorized transaction.
236 R-Transaction : MD07 – Debtor Deceased.
237 R-Transaction : MS02 – Refusal by the Debtor.
238 R-Transaction : MS03 – Reason not specified.
239 R-Transaction : RC01 – Bank Identifier (BIC) Incorrect.
240 R-Transaction : RR01 – Regulatory Reason.
241 R-Transaction : RR02 – Regulatory Reason.
242 R-Transaction : RR03 – Regulatory Reason.
243 R-Transaction : RR04 – Regulatory Reason.
244 R-Transaction : SL01 – Specific Service offered by the Debtor Bank.

Payment notification for status Failed with reason code and description.

Payment notification for status Failed (4):

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "ID": 4157363,
    "SkinID": null,
    "ClientIP": null,
    "Created": "20181029134811",
    "MerchantTransactionID": "testCORE00001",
    "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
    "Amount": "100",
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "CapturedAmount": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "test Smart2Pay",
    "MethodID": 84,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
    "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
    "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
    "SiteID": 30151,
    "NotificationDateTime": null,
    "Customer": null,
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 1720,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "NL"
    "ShippingAddress": null,
    "Articles": null,
    "Details": null,
    "ReferenceDetails": null,
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "PreapprovalID": 13165,
    "Status": {
      "ID": 4,	
      "Info": "Failed",
      "Reasons": [
          "Code": "227",
          "Info": "R-Transaction : AM04 - Insufficient funds"
    "MethodTransactionID": null,
    "TokenLifetime": null,
    "Capture": null,
    "PreapprovalDetails": null,
    "RedirectURL": null


204 No Content

Payment notification for status Reversed with reason code and description.

Payment notification for status Reversed (16):

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Payment": {
    "ID": 4157363,
    "SkinID": null,
    "ClientIP": null,
    "Created": "20181029134811",
    "MerchantTransactionID": "testCORE00001",
    "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
    "Amount": "100",
    "Currency": "EUR",
    "CapturedAmount": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "test Smart2Pay",
    "MethodID": 84,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "IncludeMethodIDs": null,
    "ExcludeMethodIDs": null,
    "PrioritizeMethodIDs": null,
    "SiteID": 30151,
    "NotificationDateTime": null,
    "Customer": null,
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 1720,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "NL"
    "ShippingAddress": null,
    "Articles": null,
    "Details": null,
    "ReferenceDetails": null,
    "CustomParameters": null,
    "PreapprovalID": 13165,
    "Status": {
      "ID": 16,	
      "Info": "Reversed",
      "Reasons": [
          "Code": "235",
          "Info": "R-Transaction : MD06 - Disputed authorized transaction."
    "MethodTransactionID": null,
    "TokenLifetime": null,
    "Capture": null,
    "PreapprovalDetails": null,
    "RedirectURL": null


204 No Content