Basic HTTP Status Codes

We’ve build a REST API that uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of an API request. The basic HTTP status codes we use are:

  • 2xx: indicates a successful request
  • 4xx: you did something wrong
  • 5xx: we did something wrong
HTTP Status Code Summary
Code Meaning Description
200 OK The request was completed successfully.
201 Created The payment was correctly initialized.
204 No Content The request was received, but there is no need to send any data back.
400 Bad Request Often missing a required parameter.
401 Unauthorized No valid authorization header provided.
402 Request Failed The parameters were valid but the request failed.
404 Not Found The requested item doesn’t exist.
500, 502, 503, 504 Server errors We did something wrong.

GlobalPay Status Codes

List of transaction status IDs
Status ID Name Description *Final Status Applicable for
1 Open The transaction is initiated in our system. No Payments / Refunds / Payouts
2 Success The transaction is successful. Yes Payments / Refunds / Payouts
3 Cancelled The payment was cancelled. The payments that can be cancelled are the payments with “Authorized” status or the payments that are cancelled by the customer on the form. Yes Payments
4 Failed The transaction has failed. Yes Payments / Refunds / Payouts
5 Expired The time period the customer had for completing the payment has expired. Yes Payments
6 PendingOnCustomer The payment is awaiting approval from the customer. No Payments
7 PendingOnProvider The payment is awaiting approval from the downstream partners/acquirers. No Payments
8 Submitted The payment has been submitted. No Payments
9 Authorized The payment was successfully authorized. In the initial request the Capture parameter is sent to false so the responsibility of the capturing the payment is on the merchants side.
The goods can be delivered.
No Payments
10 AuthorizeRequested The payment has been submitted for authorization. No Payments
11 Captured The transaction has been captured. Only payments with “Authorized” status can be captured.
The goods can be delivered.
Yes Payments
12 Rejected The transaction has been rejected. Yes Payments
13 CaptureRequested The payment was successfully authorized and the capture request was also sent to the provider.
The goods can be delivered.
No Payments
14 Exception The transaction needs manual review from Smart2Pay. No Payments / Payouts
15 CancelRequested The cancel request has been sent. No Payments
16 Reversed The authorization has been reversed (the money were credited back to the customer account). Yes Payments / Payouts
17 Completed The transaction has been completed by the customer. No Payments
18 Processing The transaction is being processed. No Payments
19 Disputed The payment is disputed by the customer. No Payments
21 PartiallyRefunded The payment has been partially refunded with a smaller amount than the one from the initial paid transaction. Yes Payments
22 Refunded The payment has been refunded with an equal amount as the one from the initial paid transaction. Yes Payments
23 DisputeWon The cardholder has lost the dispute and the money will return to the merchant. Yes Chargebacks
24 DisputeLost The cardholder has won the dispute and has received the money back. Yes Chargebacks
25 Paid The transaction has been paid. Yes Payments
26 Chargedback The cardholder has won the dispute and has received the money back. Yes Payments
27 SecondDisputeWon The cardholder has lost the second dispute and the money will return to the merchant. Yes Chargebacks
28 SecondDisputeLost The cardholder has won the second dispute and has received the money back. Yes Chargebacks
30 PendingChallengeConfirmation The fraud provider has challenged the payment. Payment is authorized. You can reject or accept the challenge. No Payments
33 QueuedForCapturing The payment will be sent automatically for capturing. No further action from you is required.
The goods can be delivered.
No Payments
34 QueuedForCanceling The payment will be sent automatically for canceling. No further action from you is required. No Payments
35 PartiallyCaptured The payment is partially captured. Yes Payments
36 SuccessWaitForFraud No Payments
37 ExceptionWaitForFraud No Payments
38 Retrieval Retrieval request indicates that the customer wants more information about a transaction and inquires their issuing bank and asks for additional information on the charge, but hasn’t yet initiated a chargeback. Yes Chargebacks
39 SoftDeclined A soft decline may occur when the issuing bank will not proceed with a transaction that require SCA and doesn’t meet these requirements. For more information see our dedicated section about: Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). Yes Payments

* In exceptional cases it is possible to receive different notifications and your system should be able to handle such situations. If an additional notification is received with Success Status, it overwrites any previous notification.

Card Processing Status Codes

List of transaction status IDs
Status ID Name Description *Final Status Applicable for
1 Open The transaction is initiated in our system. No Payments / Refunds / Payouts
2 Success The transaction is successful. Yes Refunds / Payouts
3 Cancelled The payment was cancelled. The payments that can be cancelled are the payments with “Authorized” status or the payments that are cancelled by the customer on the form. Yes Payments
4 Failed The transaction has failed. Yes Payments / Refunds / Payouts
5 Expired The time period the customer had for completing the payment has expired. Yes Payments
7 PendingOnProvider The payment is awaiting approval from the downstream partners/acquirers. No Payments
9 Authorized The payment was successfully authorized. In the initial request the Capture parameter is sent to false so the responsibility of the capturing the payment is on the merchants side.
The goods can be delivered.
No Payments
10 AuthorizeRequested The payment has been submitted for authorization. No Payments
11 Captured The transaction has been captured. Only payments with “Authorized” status can be captured.
The goods can be delivered.
Yes Payments
13 CaptureRequested The payment was successfully authorized and the capture request was also sent to the provider. In the initial request the capture parameter is sent to true so our service will handle the capturing of the payment automatically.
The goods can be delivered.
No Payments
14 Exception The transaction needs manual review from Smart2Pay. No Payments
15 CancelRequested A cancel request has been sent. No Payments
16 Reversed The authorization has been reversed (the money were credited back to the customer account). Yes Payments
19 Disputed The payment is disputed by the customer. No Payments
21 PartiallyRefunded The payment has been partially refunded with a smaller amount than the one from the initial paid transaction. Yes Payments
22 Refunded The payment has been refunded with an equal amount as the one from the initial paid transaction. Yes Payments
23 DisputeWon The cardholder has lost the dispute and the money will return to the merchant. Yes Chargebacks
24 DisputeLost The cardholder has won the dispute and has received the money back. Yes Chargebacks
25 Paid The transaction has been paid. Yes Payments
26 Chargedback The cardholder has won the dispute and has received the money back. Yes Payments
27 SecondDisputeWon The cardholder has lost the second dispute and the money will return to the merchant. Yes Chargebacks
28 SecondDisputeLost The cardholder has won the second dispute and has received the money back. Yes Chargebacks
30 PendingChallengeConfirmation The fraud provider has challenged the payment. Payment is authorized. You can reject or accept the challenge. No Payments
33 QueuedForCapturing The payment will be sent automatically for capturing. No further action from you is required.
The goods can be delivered.
No Payments
34 QueuedForCanceling The payment will be sent automatically for canceling. No further action from you is required. No Payments
35 PartiallyCaptured The payment is partially captured. Yes Payments
38 Retrieval Retrieval request indicates that the customer wants more information about a transaction and inquires their issuing bank and asks for additional information on the charge, but hasn’t yet initiated a chargeback. Yes Chargebacks
39 SoftDeclined A soft decline may occur when the issuing bank will not proceed with a transaction that require SCA and doesn’t meet these requirements. For more information see our dedicated section about: Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). Yes Payments

* In exceptional cases it is possible to receive different notifications and your system should be able to handle such situations. If an additional notification is received with Success Status, it overwrites any previous notification.

GlobalPay Return Codes

When an API error occurs, an HTTP 4xx or HTTP 5xx status is returned with a code that provides more detailed information in the response.

List of possible Return Code IDs:

  • 0: Undefined
  • 1: Missing parameter
  • 2: Validation failed
  • 3: Merchant ID does not exist
  • 4: Merchant inactive
  • 5: Method is invalid
  • 6: Hash check failed
  • 7: IP check failed
  • 8: Language is invalid
  • 9: Method is unavailable
  • 10: MethodOption is invalid
  • 11: Action is invalid
  • 12: Preapproval is invalid
  • 13: Preapproved payment is invalid
  • 14: Generic error
  • 15: Unable to process the transaction
  • 16: An error has occurred. Please try again later
  • 17: Payment is invalid
  • 18: Refund is invalid
  • 19: Country is invalid
  • 20: MerchantTransactionID is duplicated
  • 100: Currency is invalid
  • 101: Customer email is missing
  • 102: Customer email is invalid
  • 103: Merchant preapproval ID is missing
  • 104: Merchant preapproval ID is invalid
  • 105: Preapproval return URL is missing
  • 106: Preapproval return URL is invalid
  • 107: Preapproval description is missing
  • 108: Preapproval description is invalid
  • 109: Merchant preapproval ID is duplicated
  • 110: Customer email is invalid for preapproval
  • 111: Method ID is invalid for preapproval
  • 112: Preapproval error
  • 113: Preapproval action is invalid
  • 114: Invalid preapproval details received
  • 115: Preapproval ID is missing
  • 116: Customer phone is missing
  • 117: Customer phone is invalid
  • 118: Amount invalid
  • 119: Customer balance is insufficient
  • 120: Country code is invalid
  • 121: Unable to authorize transaction
  • 122: Unable to cancel transaction
  • 123: Invalid customer details
  • 124: Invalid bank details
  • 125: Bank is offline
  • 126: Customer name is invalid
  • 127: Site ID is missing
  • 128: Article is missing
  • 129: Article is invalid
  • 130: Customer social security number is invalid
  • 131: Customer gender is invalid
  • 132: Customer shipping address is invalid
  • 133: Customer billing address is invalid
  • 134: Another refund is already in process
  • 135: Site ID is invalid
  • 136: Customer ID is invalid
  • 137: Address ID is invalid
  • 138: Card token is invalid
  • 139: An error has occurred while processing the payment token
  • 140: Invalid offset
  • 141: Invalid limit
  • 142: Invalid custom parameter
  • 143: Missing parameter MethodID
  • 144: Unable to process the preapproval
  • 145: Unable to process the merchant site
  • 146: Invalid merchant site
  • 147: Address details are invalid
  • 148: Unable to process the user
  • 149: User details are invalid
  • 150: DateTime is invalid
  • 151: MerchantTransactionID is invalid
  • 152: Refund type is invalid
  • 153: Payment type is invalid
  • 154: Preapproval state is invalid
  • 155: Reference number is invalid
  • 156: Reference number is duplicated
  • 157: Unable to capture transaction
  • 158: Missing parameter recurring period
  • 159: Recurring period is invalid
  • 160: Merchant site details are invalid
  • 161: Invalid role ID
  • 162: The shipping address of the customer does not match with the billing address
  • 163: Unable to process the merchant site on SmartCards system
  • 164: Customer date of birth is invalid
  • 165: Customer first name is missing
  • 166: Customer last name is missing
  • 167: Billing address1 is missing
  • 168: Billing address2 is missing
  • 169: Billing zip code is missing
  • 170: Billing city is missing
  • 171: Billing city is invalid
  • 172: Billing zip code is invalid
  • 173: Billing country is missing
  • 174: Company name is missing
  • 175: Invalid article for country
  • 180: SortBy is invalid
  • 181: SortDirection is invalid
  • 182: Invalid pageSize
  • 183: Invalid pageIndex
  • 184: PageIndex Out of Range
  • 185: Invalid methodID
  • 186: Invalid statusID
  • 187: Customer name is missing
  • 188: Customer CPF / CNPJ is missing
  • 189: Customer CPF / CNPJ is invalid
  • 190: Another recurring payment is already in process
  • 191: MerchantSite inactive
  • 192: MerchantSite Api Key does not match
  • 193: Method is not assigned
  • 194: Method option is not assigned
  • 195: Method does not exist
  • 196: Method option does not exist
  • 197: Method disabled
  • 198: Method option disabled
  • 199: Method disabled for merchant
  • 200: Method option disabled for merchant
  • 201: Method option invalid for method
  • 202: Abandoned transaction
  • 203: Wrong technical configuration. Please contact support team.
  • 204: Technical error. Please contact support team.
  • 205: Technical error on method provider system
  • 206: Customer identification required
  • 207: Customer limit on operations exceeded
  • 208: Customer account is temporarily blocked
  • 209: Unable to determine mobile operator
  • 210: Transaction already payed
  • 211: User not registered
  • 212: Description parameter is invalid
  • 213: Underaged Customer
  • 214: Incorrect Street Address
  • 215: Transaction not authorized (Age/Account reasons)
  • 216: Customer did not complete the purchase
  • 217: Transaction not completed
  • 218: Purchase not approved due to credit reasons
  • 219: Customer blocked for previous unpaid invoices
  • 220: Customer Phone Region not allowed
  • 221: R-Transaction : AC01 – Account Identifier incorrect (i.e. invalid IBAN of the Debtor).
  • 222: R-Transaction : AC04 – Account closed.
  • 223: R-Transaction : AC06 – Account blocked.
  • 224: R-Transaction : AC13 – Debtor account is a consumer account.
  • 225: R-Transaction : AG01 – Direct Debit forbidden on this account for regulatory reasons.
  • 226: R-Transaction : AG02 – Operation code/transaction code/sequence type incorrect, invalid file format.
  • 227: R-Transaction : AM04 – Insufficient funds.
  • 228: R-Transaction : AM05 – Duplicate collection.
  • 229: R-Transaction : BE05 – Identifier of the Creditor Incorrect.
  • 230: R-Transaction : CNOR – Creditor Bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM.
  • 231: R-Transaction : DNOR – Debtor Bank is not registered under this BIC in the CSM.
  • 232: R-Transaction : FF01 – File Format incomplete or invalid.
  • 233: R-Transaction : MD01 – No mandate.
  • 234: R-Transaction : MD02 – Mandate data missing or incorrect.
  • 235: R-Transaction : MD06 – Disputed authorized transaction.
  • 236: R-Transaction : MD07 – Debtor Deceased.
  • 237: R-Transaction : MS02 – Refusal by the Debtor.
  • 238: R-Transaction : MS03 – Reason not specified.
  • 239: R-Transaction : RC01 – Bank Identifier (BIC) Incorrect.
  • 240: R-Transaction : RR01 – Regulatory Reason.
  • 241: R-Transaction : RR02 – Regulatory Reason.
  • 242: R-Transaction : RR03 – Regulatory Reason.
  • 243: R-Transaction : RR04 – Regulatory Reason.
  • 244: R-Transaction : SL01 – Specific Service offered by the Debtor Bank.
  • 245: Communication error with the Bank. Pease submit the request again.
  • 246: Preapproval cancelled by consumer
  • 247: Session timeout
  • 248: Invalid creditor
  • 249: Duplicate mandate reference
  • 250: No documents to sign
  • 251: Forbidden IBAN
  • 252: Invalid account owner
  • 253: Mandate signature failed
  • 254: Invalid user approval (OTP) code
  • 255: Inconsistent client data during signature. Please contact Support Team
  • 256: Card operation refused by operator
  • 257: Card operation bank refusal
  • 258: Card operation access failure
  • 259: Card operation invalid transaction reference
  • 260: Card lost
  • 261: Card stolen
  • 262: Card suspect
  • 263: Duplicate order
  • 264: Resource not found
  • 265: Incomplete request data
  • 266: Invalid BIC
  • 267: Invalid IBAN – CustomerIBAN – invalid
  • 268: Multiple requests to provider with the same mandate
  • 269: Subscriber reached the monthly mandates limit with the same IBAN
  • 270: Subscriber reached the limit of mandates created with the same phone number (3 uses per 6 months)
  • 271: Mandate rejected due to risk controls (e-mail)
  • 272: Allowed time for transaction has expired
  • 273: Customer forced payment cancellation
  • 274: BIC not reachable
  • 275: User did not enter a PIN or TAN (timeout)
  • 276: Connection timeout, bank unavailable. Please try again later
  • 277: Merchant balance is insufficient
  • 278: User does not exists
  • 279: Amount is higher than allowed
  • 280: Top-up of this user account is blocked
  • 281: Insufficient Funds
  • 282: Access not authorized
  • 283: Expired split token
  • 285: Amount is greater than available balance
  • 286: Client’s QIWI Wallet account balance limit is exceeded
  • 287: ExecutionDate is invalid
  • 288: Amount is lower than allowed
  • 289: Payment.SplitsAmount sum does not match Payment.Amount
  • 290: Split.SiteID is invalid
  • 291: Split.SiteID is inactive
  • 292: Split.MerchantTransactionID is invalid
  • 293: Split.MerchantTransactionID is duplicate
  • 294: Split.Amount is invalid
  • 295: Payment.SiteID does not allow splits
  • 296: Split.SiteID does not belong to merchant
  • 297: Split.ID is invalid
  • 298: Split is invalid
  • 299: Split.State is invalid
  • 300: IBAN is missing
  • 302: Crypto address is missing
  • 303: Crypto address is invalid
  • 304: Crypto currency is missing
  • 305: Crypto currency is invalid
  • 306: Invalid Service Gateway or Data Gateway were received from provider
  • 307: Transaction already paid
  • 308: Your month limit has been reached. Request a limit increase.
  • 309: Your daily limit was reached. Request a limit increase.
  • 310: Credit Carn Number is invalid
  • 311: Security code invalid
  • 312: Security question is missing
  • 313: Security question is invalid
  • 314: Security answer is missing
  • 315: Security answer is invalid
  • 316: IP address is missing
  • 317: IP address is invalid
  • 318: Suspicious or fraudulent transaction
  • 319: Maximum bank account verification attempts reached
  • 320: Account blocked or invalid
  • 321: Transaction cancelled by Customer
  • 322: Money not received
  • 323: Refused by payor/payee
  • 324: Risk management error
  • 325: User failed to accept the payout transaction
  • 326: Invalid/Expired token
  • 327: Invalid merchant account
  • 328: CustomerAccountNumber is invalid
  • 329: BankAccountNumber is invalid
  • 330: CustomerAccountNumber is missing
  • 331: BankAccountNumber is missing
  • 332: Cancelled by User
  • 333: CustomerBIC is invalid
  • 334: Credentials are required to access this resource
  • 335: SortCode is invalid
  • 336: SortCode is missing
  • 337: Declined or returned by provider
  • 338: Transfer not allowed
  • 339: IBAN or Account is missing
  • 340: AlipayPlus – invalid credentials
  • 341: Transaction accepted, customer paid less than initiated
  • 342: Transaction rejected, customer paid less than initiated
  • 343: Transaction accepted, customer paid more than initiated
  • 344: Transaction rejected, customer paid more than initiated
  • 345: Withdrawal not completed. Please try again
  • 346: Payout Billing address is missing
  • 347: Payout fails at provider’s side.
  • 348: Transaction Amount not within Merchant Limits
  • 357: Payout fails at provider’s side.
  • 358: Invalid Branch Code
  • 359: Account Number required is IBAN is not provided
  • 360: Account Country required if IBAN is not provided
  • 361: Unable to cancel mandate
  • 362: Mandate cannot be activated
  • 363: Reason parameter is invalid
  • 364: Debtor Bank BIC or Debtor Details are required as Debtor Bank is located in a NON-EEA Country
  • 365: Bank Branch has closed (or is due to close
  • 366: BACS transactions are not supported
  • 367: Invalid Mandate Status
  • 368: Mandate Type is invalid
  • 369: Mandate is invalid
  • 370: Duplicate Beneficiary Account Details Provided
  • 371: Customer personal information mismatch
  • 372: BIZUM has returned a KO
  • 373: Processor refused the operation
  • 374: Invalid beneficiarry details
  • 375: Unable to refund
  • 376: Unable to acquire
  • 377: Transaction already rejected
  • 378: Invalid/missing URL
  • 379: Invalid/Missing card details
  • 380: Invalid/Missing expiry date
  • 381: Card expired
  • 382: Invalid/Missing CVV
  • 383: Invalid Card Holder
  • 384: Transaction Declined; customer paid less than initiated; crypto refund pending
  • 385: Transaction accepted; customer paid more than initiated; pending refund for Overpaid Crypto Amount
  • 500: Internal error
  • 6000: Custom reason

Card Processing Return Codes

When an API error occurs, an HTTP 4xx or HTTP 5xx status is returned with a code that provides more detailed information in the response.

List of possible Return Code IDs for credit card transactions:

  • 1: Invalid data
  • 2: Validation failed
  • 13: Generic error
  • 17: Payment is invalid
  • 18: Technical error
  • 19: Database technical error
  • 20: Key is duplicated
  • 21: Payment has already been processed
  • 22: Payout has already been processed
  • 23: Refund has already been processed
  • 100: Invalid route
  • 101: Invalid integration type usage
  • 102: Technical error occurred when processing the form
  • 103: Too many attempts for the current transaction
  • 104: Transaction lifetime expired
  • 105: Action is invalid
  • 106: Invalid offset
  • 107: Invalid limit
  • 108: Country is invalid
  • 109: Currency is invalid
  • 110: Merchant transaction ID is invalid
  • 111: Amount is invalid
  • 112: DateTime is invalid
  • 113: Method Transaction ID is invalid
  • 114: Skin ID is invalid
  • 115: Invalid fraud provider
  • 116: Transaction rejected by fraud provider
  • 117: Transaction challenged by fraud provider
  • 118: Transaction rejected by merchant
  • 119: Transaction cancelled by customer
  • 120: Initial Transaction ID is invalid
  • 121: BIN is invalid
  • 122: Installments are not supported for received country
  • 123: Installments are not supported for received BIN
  • 1000: Payment.MerchantTransactionID is invalid
  • 1001: Payment.Amount is invalid
  • 1002: Payment.Currency is invalid
  • 1003: Payment.ReturnURL is invalid
  • 1004: Payment.Description is invalid
  • 1005: Payment.StatementDescriptor is invalid
  • 1006: Payment.State is invalid
  • 1007: Payment.Language is invalid
  • 1008: Payment.Token is invalid
  • 1009: Payment.FraudCheckMode is invalid
  • 1010: Payment is in process
  • 1011: Payment.OriginatorTransactionID is invalid
  • 1012: Payment.AmountToCapture format is invalid
  • 1013: Payment.AmountToCapture exceeds initial payment authorized amount
  • 1014: Payment partial capture is not supported
  • 1200: CardDetails.HolderName is invalid
  • 1201: CardDetails.Number is invalid
  • 1202: CardDetails.ExpirationMonth is invalid
  • 1203: CardDetails.ExpirationYear is invalid
  • 1204: CardDetails.SecurityCode is invalid
  • 1205: CardDetails – Card is expired
  • 1206: CardDetails are missing
  • 1300: ThreeDSecure – Card not enrolled
  • 1301: ThreeDSecure – Card enrollment verification error
  • 1302: ThreeDSecure – Authentication failed
  • 1303: ThreeDSecure – Authentication error
  • 1304: ThreeDSecure – Authentication unavailable
  • 1400: Address is required
  • 1401: Address.City is invalid
  • 1402: Address.ZipCode is invalid
  • 1403: Address.State is invalid
  • 1404: Address.Street is invalid
  • 1405: Address.StreetNumber is invalid
  • 1406: Address.HouseNumber is invalid
  • 1407: Address.HouseExtension is invalid
  • 1408: Address.CountryCode is invalid
  • 1409: Address.Country does not exist
  • 1410: Address.ID is invalid
  • 1600: Customer.MerchantCustomerID is invalid
  • 1601: Customer.Email is invalid
  • 1602: Customer.Firstname is invalid
  • 1603: Customer.Lastname is invalid
  • 1604: Customer.Gender is invalid
  • 1605: Customer.SocialSecurityNumber is invalid
  • 1606: Customer.Phone is invalid
  • 1607: Customer.Company is invalid
  • 1608: Customer.ID is invalid
  • 1609: Customer is required
  • 1800: Invalid provider information
  • 1801: Duplicate provider transaction
  • 2000: Payout.MerchantTransactionID is invalid
  • 2001: Payout.Amount is invalid
  • 2002: Payout.Currency is invalid
  • 2003: Payout.Description is invalid
  • 2004: Payout.StatementDescriptor is invalid
  • 2005: Payout.State is invalid
  • 2200: Refund.MerchantTransactionID is invalid
  • 2201: Refund.Amount is invalid
  • 2202: Refund.Currency is invalid
  • 2203: Refund.Description is invalid
  • 2204: Refund.StatementDescriptor is invalid
  • 2205: Refund.State is invalid
  • 2206: Refund.Amount exceeds initial payment available amount
  • 2207: Another refund is in process
  • 2208: Partial refunds are not available
  • 2209: Refund.OriginatorTransactionID is invalid
  • 2400: Credit card token is invalid
  • 2401: Credit card token value is not available
  • 2402: Credit card token usage limit exceeded
  • 2403: Credit card invalid for the card token
  • 2404: Missing credit card token details
  • 2405: Credit card token is inactive
  • 2406: Credit card token already exists for received card data
  • 2600: Missing credit card details
  • 2800: MerchantSite.ID is invalid
  • 2801: MerchantSite.merchantID is invalid
  • 2802: MerchantSite.URL is invalid
  • 2803: MerchantSite.NotificationURL is invalid
  • 2804: MerchantSite.ApiKey is invalid
  • 2805: MerchantSite.DisplayName is invalid
  • 2806: MerchantSite.Country does not exist
  • 2807: MerchantSite.FraudCheckMode is invalid
  • 4996: Payment is PartiallyCaptured but status is Exception
  • 4997: Payment is Captured but status is Exception
  • 4998: Payment is Authorized but status is Exception
  • 4999: Fraud provider return code is missing or not mapped
  • 5000: Acquirer route return code is missing or not mapped
  • 5001: AVS Mismatch Failure
  • 5002: AVS Mismatch Failure
  • 5003: CVV2 Mismatch Failure
  • 5004: Sorry, the transaction failed Cybersource Fraud Test and was voided
  • 5005: Transaction may not be marked
  • 5006: orderID was not marked successfully
  • 5007: Test Tran. Bad Card
  • 5008: Test Tran. Problem
  • 5009: Username already exists
  • 5010: Username is blank
  • 5011: Fraud Screen Failure
  • 5012: Missing PIN Code
  • 5013: Invalid Bank Acct. No.
  • 5014: Invalid Bank Routing No.
  • 5015: Invalid/Missing Check No.
  • 5016: Invalid card for test transaction
  • 5017: Invalid CVV2/CVC2 No.
  • 5018: Expired card
  • 5019: Missing Data
  • 5020: Missing Email Address
  • 5021: Zip Code does not match Billing State
  • 5022: Invalid Billing Zip Code
  • 5023: Zip Code does not match Shipping State
  • 5024: Invalid Shipping Zip Code
  • 5025: Invalid Credit Card CVV2/CVC2 Format
  • 5026: Maximum number of attempts has been exceeded
  • 5027: Credit Card number has been flagged and can not be used to access this service
  • 5028: IP Address is on Blocked List
  • 5029: Billing country does not match ipaddress country
  • 5030: US based ipaddresses are currently blocked
  • 5031: Credit Cards issued from this country are currently not being accepted
  • 5032: Credit Cards issued from this bank are currently not being accepted
  • 5033: Daily volume exceeded
  • 5034: Too many transactions within allotted time
  • 5035: Sales for this phone number are currently not being accepted
  • 5036: Email Address is on Blocked List
  • 5037: Duplicate Transaction error
  • 5038: Missing/incorrect password
  • 5039: Account not configured for mobil administration
  • 5040: IP Not registered to username
  • 5041: Mode not permitted for this account
  • 5042: Currently Blank
  • 5043: Currently Blank
  • 5044: Processor not responding
  • 5045: Missing merchant/publisher name
  • 5046: Currently Blank
  • 5047: Discount exceeds available gift certificate balance
  • 5048: Gift certificate discount does not match order
  • 5049: Capture failed but will retry again later
  • 5050: Cancel failed but will retry again later
  • 5051: Refund failed at provider
  • 5052: Security code (CVV2/CVC2) is incorrect
  • 5053: Do not Honour
  • 5054: Not sufficient funds
  • 5055: Invalid card number
  • 5056: Merchant does not allow card to be sent
  • 5057: The merchant does not allow Card on File operations
  • 5058: Card temporarily blocked by issuing bank or under suspicion of fraud
  • 5059: Rejection without specifying motive
  • 5060: Operation not allowed for this type of card
  • 5061: Invalid transaction card / issuer / acquirer
  • 5062: Operation rejected to avoid duplicities
  • 5063: Transaction not permitted on card
  • 5064: Technical error upstream processor/gateway
  • 5065: Card not found within table of ranges
  • 5066: Pickup Card
  • 5067: Decline Cvv2 failure
  • 5068: Issuer not available
  • 5069: Card brand not accepted
  • 5070: Wrong Expiration Date
  • 5071: Restricted card
  • 5072: Card blocked by issuing bank or under suspicion of fraud
  • 5073: Error in holder authentication
  • 5074: The CVV2 has more than three positions
  • 5075: No Credit Account
  • 5076: Technical error – Invalid merchant
  • 5077: Technical error – unable to capture payment
  • 5078: Invalid amount
  • 5079: Unable to go online
  • 5080: Forward to issuer
  • 5081: Customer contacted the issuing bank and revoked all the authorizations orders
  • 5082: Customer contacted the issuing bank and revoked the authorization
  • 5083: Stop Payment Order
  • 5084: Card Authentication failed
  • 5085: Unsafe PIN
  • 5086: PIN Change/Unblock request declined
  • 5087: Invalid biller information
  • 5088: Cashback request exceeds issuer limit
  • 5089: Cash service not available
  • 5090: Force STIP
  • 5091: Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards (U.S. acquirers only)
  • 5092: Decline.MAC error (Private use only)
  • 5093: Transaction cannot be completed; violation of law
  • 5094: Destination cannot be found for routing
  • 5095: No reason to decline a request for account number verification, address verification, or CVV2 verification
  • 5096: Unable to verify PIN
  • 5097: Decline.Invalid business date
  • 5098: Previous message located for a repeat or reversal, but repeat or reversal data are inconsistent with original message
  • 5099: Unable to locate previous message (no match on Retrieval Reference number)
  • 5100: Allowable number of PIN-entry tries exceeded
  • 5101: Unable to Capture Payment – the confirmation of autorisation date cannot exceed pre-autorisation date by more than 7 days
  • 5102: Decline.Card acceptor call acquirer’s security department
  • 5103: Activity count limit exceeded
  • 5104: Security violation
  • 5105: Activity amount limit exceeded
  • 5106: Decline.Card acceptor contact acquirer
  • 5107: Transaction not allowed at terminal
  • 5108: Transaction not permitted to cardholder
  • 5109: Incorrect PIN
  • 5110: No savings account
  • 5111: No checking account
  • 5112: Decline.No investment account
  • 5113: Decline.No universal account
  • 5114: Decline.Request function not supported
  • 5115: Decline.No credit account
  • 5116: Capture Card acceptor call acquirer security
  • 5117: Completed partially
  • 5118: Unable to locate record in le, or account number is missing from the inquiry
  • 5119: Decline.Unacceptable transaction fee
  • 5120: No action taken (unable to back out prior transaction)
  • 5121: Re-enter transaction
  • 5122: Decline.Member dispute
  • 5123: Decline.Member cancellation
  • 5124: No such issuer
  • 5125: Invalid account number (no such number)
  • 5126: Invalid transaction
  • 5127: Honor with ID
  • 5128: Refer to card issuer
  • 5129: Request in progress
  • 5130: Partial Approval
  • 5131: V.I.P. approval
  • 5132: CVV2/CVC2 is mandatory!
  • 5133: Country not supported
  • 5134: Confirmation for this pre-authorisation already exists
  • 5135: Refund that was sent in the same minute denied to avoid duplication
  • 5136: Issuing bank does not allow automatic authorization. It is necessary to call your authorization center to obtain manual approval.
  • 5137: Cancel period expired
  • 5141: Invalid BIN
  • 5142: This card does not allow pre-authorization operations
  • 5143: No operation to make refund
  • 5144: Frequency limit exceeded
  • 5145: Security Violation
  • 5146: Wrong customer details (check email, name, SSN etc.)
  • 5147: Empty customer detail (check email, name, SSN etc.)
  • 5148: User must be adult
  • 5149: Invalid transaction status
  • 5150: Email associated with another country
  • 5151: Currency not allowed for this country
  • 5152: Mismatch credit card – user data
  • 5153: Rejected by bank
  • 5154: Pending for contingency
  • 5155: Rejected due to blacklisted card
  • 5156: Card is disabled
  • 5157: Rejected due to score validation
  • 5158: Transaction rejected due to velocity checks. Merchant website needs to be verified.
  • 5159: CONTACT ISSUER – Issuing bank does not allow automatic authorisation. It is necessary to call your authorisation centre to obtain manual approval.
  • 5160: User unauthorized (customer SSN blacklisted)
  • 5161: Number of attempts with erroneous PIN exceeded
  • 5162: Cancellation for this pre-authorization already exists
  • 5163: The pre-authorization to be cancelled is not authorized
  • 5164: Merchant has no authorization to use this API
  • 5165: This payment is not cancellable
  • 5166: The customer has exceeded the balance or credit limit available on their card
  • 5167: Card is expired or the customer has entered the wrong expiry date.
  • 5168: 3DSecure Response from issuer contains errors. Unable to verify 3D Secure result.
  • 5169: Operation exceeds an operating limit defined upstream.
  • 5170: Incorrect currency configuration. Please contact
  • 5171: Technical configuration issue. Please contact
  • 5172: Card Number does not meet the check-digit
  • 5173: Technical error upstream. Please contact
  • 5174: Error. The card number can not have more than 19 positions
  • 5175: The card was not authenticated as 3D Secure
  • 5176: The card used is not enrolled in 3DSecure
  • 5177: Rejected by issuer because PIN is missing. Issuer blocked card for online transactions
  • 5178: The currency provided is not allowed (e.g. currency for a refund is not equal to the currency of the original payment)
  • 5179: The credit card number has a wrong format or number is not valid for the payment method’s card scheme or CVC not provided.
  • 5180: Currency was not provided
  • 5181: The payment action is not allowed for the current state the payment is.
  • 5182: The Payment Recurrence cannot be stopped.
  • 5183: Technical error upstream. Please retry.
  • 6000: Custom reason