Touch’n Go eWallet Preapproval Notification

We will notify you about the new status of the preapproval to the Notification URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard. The format of the received notification has the same structure as the response of the initial request.

You need to respond with HTTP code 204 (No Content)!

Preapproval notification format:

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6KzlLZUd6S0Y3VzhTLzc5YTVSMzNZSlVnN0U3V0ZOY1piakdmekxWM2JYU25GQ095RnQ=

  "Preapproval": {
    "ID": 28080,
    "Created": "20210202161103",
    "MethodID": 1144,
    "SiteID": 30201,
    "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_tng1",
    "RecurringPeriod": null,
    "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
    "Currency": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "1 year subscription",
    "Customer": {
      "ID": 2625948,
      "MerchantCustomerID": null,
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Gender": null,
      "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
      "Phone": null,
      "Company": null,
      "DateOfBirth": null
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 701,
      "City": null,
      "ZipCode": null,
      "State": null,
      "Street": null,
      "StreetNumber": null,
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "MY"
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": null,
      "Reasons": null
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
    "MandateReference": null,
    "Details": null