SEPA Direct Debit Preapproval Request

General information to be known for SEPA Direct Debit:

  • The customer’s bank needs to be enrolled in the SEPA Direct Debit CORE scheme or this service needs to be activated on the customer’s bank account.
  • Ask customer to make sure they have the necessary funds in their account. Up to 80% of payments failures are caused by insufficient amount.
  • According to SEPA Direct Debit rules, the customers can Reverse/Cancel a Direct Debit (claim the money back) in 8 weeks, no questions asked and up to 13 months, if his bank agrees. If this happens, you will receive a Reversed notification with ReasonCode and Reason (R-Transaction) which you should properly handle on your side.
  • For B2B transactions please add the CompanyName parameter.
  • The currency for SEPA Direct Debit CORE is EUR, however the customers can use their account although this is not an EUR account as long as the bank is enrolled in SEPA Direct Debit CORE scheme. In this case, some exchange fees might be charged by their bank.
  • Merchants/Users can decide the actual ExecutionDate of a mandate – they can send the date on which the amount will actually be debited from the Debtor’s account.

Checkout the below example of a preapproval request for SEPA Direct Debit (84), where MethodOptionID parameter is mandatory to be sent in the initial payment request.

Please note that if you have a Company, you also need to send the Company parameter in the request.

A 201 HTTP response (Created) is returned if the payment was correctly initialized.


Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Preapproval": {
    "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_h11",
    "Description": "SEPA DD preapproval request",
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "MethodID": 84,
    "Customer": {
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Email": "",
      "Phone": "+31651111111"
    "BillingAddress": {
      "Street": "Brink",
      "StreetNumber": "27c",
      "ZipCode": "1251",
      "City": "Laren",
      "Country": "NL"
    "MethodOptionID": 1


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "Preapproval": {
        "ID": 13199,
        "Created": "20181101142508",
        "MethodID": 84,
        "SiteID": 30201,
        "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_h11",
        "RecurringPeriod": 0,
        "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
        "Currency": null,
        "ReturnURL": "",
        "Description": "SEPA DD preapproval request",
        "Customer": {
            "ID": 135127,
            "MerchantCustomerID": null,
            "Email": "",
            "FirstName": "John",
            "LastName": "Doe",
            "Gender": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
            "SocialSecurityNumber2": null,
            "Phone": "+31651111111",
            "Company": null,
            "DateOfBirth": null
        "BillingAddress": {
            "ID": 5103,
            "City": "Laren",
            "ZipCode": "1251",
            "State": null,
            "Street": "Brink",
            "StreetNumber": "27c",
            "HouseNumber": null,
            "HouseExtension": null,
            "Country": "NL"
        "Status": {
            "ID": 1,
            "Info": "Pending",
            "Reasons": null
        "RedirectURL": "",
        "MethodOptionID": 1,
        "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
        "MandateReference": null

Redirect the customer to the RedirectURL where he will approve the automatic debit. Once the Customer approves the debit, he will receives via email the digital signed mandate.

SEPA Direct Debit Preapproval Notification

Upon successful approval, we will notify you about the new status of the preapproval to the URL you setup in the Merchant Dashboard.

You need to respond with HTTP Status 204 (No Content)!

Preapproval notification for status Open (2):

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Preapproval": {
    "ID": 13199,
    "Created": "20181101142508",
    "MethodID": 84,
    "SiteID": 30201,
    "MerchantPreapprovalID": "s2ptest_h11",
    "RecurringPeriod": 0,
    "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
    "Currency": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "SEPA DD preapproval request",
    "Customer": {
      "ID": 135127,
      "MerchantCustomerID": null,
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Gender": null,
      "SocialSecurityNumber": null,
      "SocialSecurityNumber2": null,
      "Phone": "+31651111111",
      "Company": null,
      "DateOfBirth": null
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 5103,
      "City": "Laren",
      "ZipCode": "1251",
      "State": null,
      "Street": "Brink",
      "StreetNumber": "27c",
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "NL"
    "Status": {
      "ID": 2,
      "Info": null,
      "Reasons": null
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "MethodOptionID": 0,
    "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
    "MandateReference": "SLMP004606504"


204 No Content

The message contains a Preapproval object with an updated Status, which can have the following meanings:

ID Info Description
1 Pending The customer needs to confirm the preapproval
2 Open The customer confirmed and you can use the preapproval to initiate recurring payments
4 ClosedByCustomer The preapproval is closed and can no longer be used to initiate recurring payments

If the mandate is cancelled by the customer or there is an error in the creation process than a notification with the specific reason is sent.

Preapproval notification for status ClosedByCustomer (4):

Authorization: Basic MzAyMDE6aEo1Um9iWXg5cjdGZk53Q3ZIWTlMWEhxcXIrRkV6cmM3YUp2UVFrNEdhejFtZzdSeXk=

  "Preapproval": {
    "ID": 729222,
    "Created": "20181025083420",
    "MethodID": 84,
    "SiteID": 30025,
    "MerchantPreapprovalID": "preapptestingS4526352",
    "RecurringPeriod": 0,
    "PreapprovedMaximumAmount": null,
    "Currency": null,
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "sample description",
    "Customer": {
      "ID": 341703,
      "MerchantCustomerID": null,
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Gender": null,
      "SocialSecurityNumber": "",
      "SocialSecurityNumber2": null,
      "Phone": "+40765260000",
      "Company": "Smart2Pay",
      "DateOfBirth": null
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 8438,
      "City": "Iași",
      "ZipCode": "23900000",
      "State": null,
      "Street": "Sf. Lazar",
      "StreetNumber": "1",
      "HouseNumber": null,
      "HouseExtension": null,
      "Country": "RO"
    "Status": {
      "ID": 4,
      "Info": null,
      "Reasons": [
          "Code": "246",
          "Info": "Preapproval cancelled by consumer"
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "MethodOptionID": 0,
    "PreapprovedFrequency": null,
    "MandateReference": null

For more information about the reasons of a wrong request response see our section GlobalPay Return Codes.