Nuvei WooCommerce Plugin

Woo Commerce

Nuvei WooCommerce Plugin connects your WooCommerce store to GlobalPay, the latest payment platform of Smart2Pay. Below you will find the necessary details for WooCommerce websites administrators on how to install and configure the plugin on your WooCommerce store.

Nuvei WooCommerce Plugin Installation

The installation process of the Nuvei Plugin requires first downloading the WordPress platform, WooCommerce plugin, and then uploading the Nuvei WooCommerce plugin and installing Nuvei PHP-SDK.

In order to download the WordPress platform, please go to the download page of and follow the installation instructions.

In order to install the WooCommerce plugin, please go to and follow the installation instructions.

In order to install Nuvei WooCommerce plugin, you need to follow the next steps:

  • Download the archive from GitHub in your installation folder.
  • Please note: Upon download, the system will rename the directory into woocommerce-master. You will have to change the name of the directory into the correct form woocommerce-smart2pay.

  • Upload woocommerce-smart2pay directory to the plugins directory from your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to Plugins setting page and activate WooCommerce Nuvei.
  • 1 WooCommerce Nuvei Plugin Activation

  • From your WordPress dashboard go to WooCommerce area -> Settings -> Checkout section and navigate to Payment Gateways area where Nuvei – alternative payment methods option should be available and click Enable button.
  • Click the Save Changes button to complete the installation of the WooCommerce plugin.

1 Nuvei Payment Plugin Installation

Nuvei WooCommerce Plugin Configuration

The configurations for the Nuvei WooCommerce plugin can be found in the WordPress dashboard under WooCommerce area: Settings -> Checkout -> Nuvei.

Smart2Pay plugin contains the generic configurations that are necessary to connect your store with the payment platform. You will also need to install and activate the payment methods that you intend to use: e.g. Nuvei Paysafecard, Nuvei UKash, Nuvei iDEAL etc.

If the Nuvei payment module is not visible, please make sure that Nuvei module is activated from Plugins -> Installed Plugins -> WooCommerce Nuvei -> Activate.

Checkout below the available options of configuration for the Nuvei WooCommerce plugin:

Nuvei Payment Module Configuration

1 Nuvei - General settings

Nuvei – General Settings
Field Description Type Sample
Enabled Defines whether the Nuvei payment module is active or not. If it is active it will appear in the payment method lists. Boolean Enable Nuvei payment gateway
Method Title This will be displayed to the customers in the checkout process when selecting from possible payment methods String Nuvei – Alternative payment methods
Environment The environment to which the plugin points to. If Demo is selected you don’t have to provide API Key, Site ID or Skin ID. If Test is selected then the TEST API Key, TEST Site ID and TEST Skin ID will be used when making the payment. [Demo, Test, Live] Test
TEST API Key The API Key used to authenticate the requests for the test environment. To obtain your credentials for test environment, please contact us at String OjGm0QudKqUZqqfct3WN+hW+gUkgOixxxxxxxxx
LIVE API Key The API Key used to authenticate the requests for the live environment. To obtain your credentials for live environment, please contact us at String  
TEST SiteID The ID of the test website, a unique number that identifies the website. If you are handling multiple WooCommerce websites and want to use a single MerchantID for all of them, you need to configure multiple websites from GlobalPay Merchant Dashboard, configuration tab. Integer 305xx
LIVE Site ID The ID of the live website, a unique number that identifies the website. If you are handling multiple WooCommerce websites and want to use a single MerchantID for all of them, you need to configure multiple websites from GlobalPay Merchant Dashboard, Configuration tab. Integer 0
TEST Skin ID Specify the skin ID for the test environment. The skins can be created in the Online Skin Editor available in the GlobalPay Merchant Dashboard or by uploading a CSS file. Integer 0
LIVE Skin ID Specify the skin ID for the live environment. The skins can be created in the Online Skin Editor available in the GlobalPay Merchant Dashboard or by uploading a CSS file. Integer 0
Return URL An URL where the customer will be redirected after the payment process ends. Please set Notification URL in Nuvei Dashboard to: String

1 Nuvei - Display Settings

Nuvei – Display Settings
Field Description Type Sample
Display Surcharge The display of the surcharge amount in the checkout flow as separated percent and fixed amount. Boolean Display surcharge amounts to client?
Methods display mode By default, method icon images and text will be shown (Both). You have the option to display the payment methods as only logo, method name or both. List Both
Show methods in grid By default, methods will be displayed as a two columns table, having payment method’s logo or name and description. When checked, description is omitted, and columns number can be specified bellow. Boolean Show methods in grid
Grid column number The number of columns for the grid with logos. Has effect only if Show methods in grid is marked. If left blank, the default value is 3 (This value is used only if above option is checked). Integer 2
Send order number as product description If checked, the WooCommerce order number will be sent as description. If not checked, system will send below custom description. Boolean Send order number as product description
Custom product description Specifies a global description that will be sent for all the transactions. String  

1 Nuvei - Order Related Settings

Nuvei – Order Related Settings
Field Description Type Sample
New order status Status of the order right before redirecting to payment page. List On Hold
Order status when NEW The status of the order when a new order is created. List Pending
Order status when SUCCESS You should only deliver the goods/services based on the success notifications. The notifications are received at the notification URL which you set up in the GlobalPay merchant dashboard available at: The notification URL is in the form: WooCommerce Nuvei GlobalPay Plugin automatically updates the order status according to the received notifications.

This configuration defines the status of the order when the payment has been successfully completed and a ‘success’ notification is sent by GlobalPay system. You can release the goods/services in this case.

List Processing
Order status when CANCEL The status of the order when a ‘canceled’ notification is received from Smart2Pay’s GlobalPay system. List Canceled
Order status when FAIL The status of the order when a ‘failed’ notification is received from Smart2Pay’s GlobalPay system. List Failed
Order status on EXPIRED The status of the order when an ‘expired’ notification is received from Smart2Pay’s GlobalPay system. List Cancelled

1 Nuvei - Payment Flow Settings

Nuvei – Payment Flow Settings
Field Description Type Sample
Success message The message that is displayed at the end of the payment flow when the redirection status is a success. You should only deliver the goods/services based on the success notification received at the notification URL which you set up in the GlobalPay merchant dashboard available at: The notification URL is in the form: String Thank you, the transaction has been processed successfully. After we receive the final confirmation, we will release the goods.
Failed message The message that is displayed at the end of the payment flow when the customer is redirected with a failed status. String There was a problem processing your payment. Please try again.
Cancelled message The message that is displayed at the end of the payment flow when the customer has canceled the payment. String You have canceled the payment.
Pending message The message that is displayed to the customer when the redirection status is unknown or the customer must take additional actions to complete the payment: e.g. go to the bank and make an offline bank transfer. String Thank you, the transaction is pending. After we receive the final confirmation, we will release the goods.

After the main configuration of the Nuvei Payment Module, please activate the payment methods that you plan to use.

Note: Surcharges will be calculated from cart subtotal + shipping price. Additional taxes and fees will not be included in surcharge calculation.

1 Nuvei - Payment Methods

Nuvei WooCommerce Payment Flow

  1. The customer adds the product in the shopping. Cart. He has to options: to continue shopping or view cart.

    1 Adding products in the shopping cart

  2. In the shopping cart the customer can see the added products and the details of the payment.

    1 Checkout initiation

  3. The customer needs to enter the billing details, including customer and billing address to complete the sign in process. Next to the billing details the customer can see the details of the order.

    1 Sign in process

  4. Depending on the billing country of the customer, the activated methods are shown in the checkout process in the Nuvei – Alternative payment methods step.

    1 Payment method selection

  5. After selecting the preferred payment method the customer needs to confirm the order by clicking on the Place Order button.

    1 Order confirmation

  6. After order confirmation the customer is redirected to the chosen payment method provider where he enters the necessary details of the payment.

    1 Nuvei payment page

  7. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to the payment return page.

    1 Payment return page when the redirection status is a success

WooCommerce Payment Status Notification

After receiving the final confirmation from the provider, our server notifies WooCommerce about the status change. The plugin handles these notifications and updates the order accordingly. This can be checked in WordPress Dashboard in WooCommerce area -> Orders.

1 The payment status notification of the order