Fraud Check – Payment Denied

If the system detects a malicious transaction, that transaction will be rejected by the fraud check provider. You will be given in the response the reason of why the transaction has Failed in the Reason field in the Fraud object.

The card payment is initiated and the Fraud Check system detects a suspicious behavior or rule. The payment is denied.


Authorization: Basic MTAxMDpnYWJp

  "Payment": {
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_j8",
    "Amount": 100,
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "test payment",
    "StatementDescriptor": "card payment",
    "BillingAddress": {
      "City": "Iasi",
      "ZipCode": "7000-49",
      "State": "Iasi",
      "Street": "Sf Lazar",
      "StreetNumber": "37",
      "HouseNumber": "5A",
      "HouseExtension": "-",
      "Country": "BR"
    "ShippingAddress": null,
    "Customer": {
      "Email": "",
      "SocialSecurityNumber": "00003456789"
    "Card": {
      "HolderName": "John Doe",
      "Number": "4111111111111111",
      "ExpirationMonth": "02",
      "ExpirationYear": "2021",
      "SecurityCode": "312"
    "Installments": 3,
    "Capture": false,
    "GenerateCreditCardToken": false,
    "PaymentTokenLifetime": 100,
    "3DSecure": false,
    "Language": "ro-RO",
    "SkinID": 200


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

  "Payment": {
    "ID": 203371,
    "ClientIP": null,
    "SkinID": 200,
    "Created": "20180209082141",
    "MerchantTransactionID": "s2ptest_j8",
    "OriginatorTransactionID": null,
    "Amount": "100",
    "Currency": "BRL",
    "CapturedAmount": "0",
    "ReturnURL": "",
    "Description": "test payment",
    "StatementDescriptor": "card payment",
    "MethodID": 6,
    "MethodOptionID": null,
    "SiteID": 1010,
    "NotificationDateTime": null,
    "Customer": {
      "ID": 296,
      "MerchantCustomerID": null,
      "Email": "",
      "FirstName": "John",
      "LastName": "Doe",
      "Gender": null,
      "SocialSecurityNumber": "00003456789",
      "Phone": null,
      "Company": null
    "BillingAddress": {
      "ID": 9590,
      "City": "Iasi",
      "ZipCode": "7000-49",
      "State": "Iasi",
      "Street": "Sf Lazar",
      "StreetNumber": "37",
      "HouseNumber": "5A",
      "HouseExtension": "-",
      "Country": "BR"
    "ShippingAddress": null,
    "Articles": null,
    "Card": {
      "HolderName": "John Doe",
      "Number": "Ends with 1111",
      "ExpirationMonth": "02",
      "ExpirationYear": "2019",
      "IssuingBankCountry": null
    "CreditCardToken": null,
    "Status": {
      "ID": 4,
      "Info": "Failed",
      "Reasons": [
          "Code": 116,
          "Info": "Transaction rejected by fraud provider"
    "MethodTransactionID": null,
    "PaymentTokenLifetime": null,
    "Capture": false,
    "RedirectURL": null,
    "3DSecure": false,
    "Fraud": {
      "Status": "Reject",
      "Score": 74,
      "Reason": "Transaction hit a velocity or rule threshold"
    "Installments": 3