Get a List of Shops

In order to import a list of newly created shops you will need to expose an API which Nuvei can call using an action based on GET HTTP request. The response will contain a shop list in JSON format that returns all the shops that were created or updated after last_updated_date.

Only a limited amount of details for each shop will be provided.

Definition: GET /api/shops?last_updated_date={last_updated_date}

  • {last_updated_date} – format: {Year(4)}-{month(2)}-{day(2)}T{Hour(2)}:{Minute(2)}:{Second(2)}Z)
    eg. 2021-01-01T20:11:01Z

Request Model:

GET /api/shops?last_updated_date=2021-01-01T20:11:01Z
Authorization: Basic Pre-shared-APIKEY 
  • Pre-shared-APIKEY – consists of the user name and password previously requested in the Shop Integration step

Response Model:

"shops": [
    "shop_id": Int,
    "shop_name": String,
    "shop_state": "OPEN" | "CLOSED" | "SUSPENDED",
    "company_legal_name" : String,
    "company_number": String,
    "vat": String,
    "country": "String (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-chars)",
    "company_type": String ("S.A.S." | "S.S." | "S.N.C." | "S.P.A." | "S.A.P.A" | "S.R.L" | "LLC" | "LLP" | "Corporation" | "Non-Profit" | "Parnership" | "Other")
    "company_type_text": String (In case company_type="Other")
    "business_sector": String ("Advisory services" | "Digital games" | "Education" | "Entertainment" | "Finance" | "Forex" | "Gambling" | "Mass media" | "Money transfer" | "Retail - fashion" | "Retail - other" | "Social networks" | "Software" | "Telecommunication" | "Transportation" | "Travel")
    "business_model": "String (information about products or services)",
    "main_activity": "String (what is merchant selling - will appear in agreement)",
    "date_of_establishment": "Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, eg. 2018-12-31 23:59:59)",
    "company_website": String,
    "mcc": Int (,
    "ecommerce_sites": [ "", "", "" ] (max 3),
    "top_3_markets": [ "String (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)", "String (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)", "String (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)" ] (max 3),
    "annual_volume": Int (in EUR),
    "atv": Int (Average transaction value in EUR),
    "headquarters_address": {
        "street": String,
        "zip_code": String,
        "city": String,
        "state": String,
        "phone": String,
        "fax": String,
        "country": "String (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-chars)"
    "banking_details": {
        "bank_name": String,
        "account_holder": String,
        "account_currency": "String (ISO 3 chars currency)",
        "iban": String,
        "account_number": String,
        "swift": String
    "contact_informations": { (MANDATORY)
        "title": String ("Mr."|"Ms."|"Mrs."),        
        "firstname": String,
        "lastname": String,
        "email": "String MANDATORY",
        "country": "String (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-chars)"
    "ubos": [
            "percentage": Int,
            "title": String ("Mr."|"Ms."|"Mrs."),
            "firstname": String,
            "lastname": String,
            "street": String,
            "zip_code": String
            "city": String,
            "state": String,
            "country": "String (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-chars)",
   "representatives": [
            "signing_right": Boolean,
            "title": String ("Mr."|"Ms."|"Mrs."),
            "firstname": String,
            "lastname": String,
            "email": "String MANDATORY",
            "date_of_birth": "Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, eg. 2001-12-31 23:59:59)",
            "street": String,
            "zip_code": String
            "city": String,
            "state": String,
            "country": "String (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2-chars)",
    "date_created": "Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, eg. 2021-01-20 23:59:59)",
    "last_updated_date": "Date (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, eg. 2021-01-20 23:59:59)",
    "logo": String,
    "commision_trx_percentage": Float,
    "commision_trx_fixed_amount": Float,
    "commision_trx_currency": "String (ISO 3 chars currency)",
"total_count": Int (number of shops in the list)

Not all fields are mandatory in the above request! If the Marketplace does not provide all the necessary data, the shop representative will fill the missing fields in Nuvei platform. Once Nuvei identifies a newly created shop, it creates an account in Nuvei KYC platform for the shop representative and sends an email asking to finalize the application (e.g. fill missing info, upload documents, sign the online contract).