OP-Pohjola Test Data

In order for you to test OP-Pohjola payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

OP-Pohjola Test Data
Data Value
User ID: 123456
Password: 7890
Key number: Enter any number.

Example: 123

OP-Pohjola Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his username and password for identification.

    1 Identification

  2. The Customer enters the key number. For test purposes, please enter the 4 digit number given in the form.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page where he sees the payment summary and details.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Success