PayEasy Japan Test Data

In order for you to test PayEasy Japan payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

PayEasy Japan Test Data
Data Value
Last Name: Enter any name
First Name: Enter any name
Phone Number: Enter any 10 digit number.

Example: 1234567812

PayEasy Japan Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer enters the payment details. He must fill the form with his last name, first name and a valid phone. For test purposes, please provide any first and last name and also any 10 digit phone number.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page where he sees the payment summary and details. He will also receive an email containg further instructions for completing the purchase.

    1 Payment instructions

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing