Nuvei iOS SDK Installation

You need to follow the below steps to build an in-app payment flow fully functional using Nuvei SDK in your iOS app using Swift.

  1. Download the Smart2Pay.framework.
  2. Import the framework into your project by either dragging it into the project or go to File | Add files to “project name”.
  3. Add the framework to the Embedded Binaries. Select the Project icon in your file hierarchy – make sure you are in the General tabEmbedded Binaries.

    There are three scenarios possible do the one that applies to you:

    • If you don’t see it in “Embedded Binaries” and don’t see it in the “Linked Frameworks and Libraries”, just click the + on “Embedded Binaries” and select the Smart2Pay.framework.
    • If you see it in “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” but not in “Embedded Binaries”, you should first remove it from “Linked Frameworks and Libraries” and click the + on “Embedded Binaries” and select the Smart2Pay.framework. This will automatically add it to both.
    • If you see it in both “Embedded Binaries” and “Linked Frameworks and Libraries”, you don’t need to do anything.

Now that the SDK is in the app we can actually use it in the code. Continue with setting up the SDK: Nuvei iOS SDK Instructions (Swift).