Skrill Test Data

In order for you to test Skrill payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Skrill Test Data
Data Value
Email address
Password partnersuccess-s2p@Paysafe123
Skrill Test Credit Cards
Data Value
Mastercard 5232000000123456
Visa 4000001234567890
Amex 371234500012340
Card 4555781766550806

Please use only very small amounts, in order to keep the test account balance in check! After a test transaction, we recommend you to make a refund, so that your Skrill test account balance to be kept in check!

In order to see a full example of a payment request and all the parameters needed for Skrill payment method go to our section Skrill Payment Request or Skrill 1-TAP Payment Request. The parameters of the payment are sent in the message body as a JSON object.

Skrill Payment Flow

  1. The customer selects his preferred currency from the list and enters his email address.1 Customer details
  2. The customer logs in to his Skrill account by entering his email address and password.1 Account Login
  3. The customer sees his account balance and the amount to pay. He continues the transaction by clicking on the Pay Now button.1 Account Balance
  4. The customer receives the payment confirmation.1 Payment confirmation received
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Skrill 1_TAP Payment Flow

  1. The customer selects his preferred currency from the list and enters his email address.1 Customer details
  2. The customer logs in to his Skrill account by entering his email address and password.1 Account Login
  3. The customer enters the required card details to make the payment, such as name, card number, expiration date and card CVV/CVC.1 Card details required
  4. The customer receives the payment confirmation.1 Payment confirmation received
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success