Clave Test Data

In order for you to test Clave payment method successfully, please use the test data provided. You will need a Panama VPN connection in order to successfully perform an end to end test.

Clave Payment Flow

Clave Test Data
Data Value
Email Address: Enter any valid email address. Example:
Phone Number: Enter any 7 digit number following the prefix +507. Example: 8339956
Card Number: 5038460000000019
Security Code ((CVV2, CVC2): 475
Expiration Date: 04-21
PIN Number: 1234
  1. The customer enters his email address and phone number and clicks on the Generate payment button.

    1 Select payment option

  2. The customer is redirected to Clave option page where he needs to register his credit card and customer details by entering the correct information for: Card Number, CVV, Expiration Date, PIN number, Last Name, First Name, Phone Number and Email Address. He continues the payment by clicking on the Accept button.

    1 Card details

  3. The customer enters his PIN Number and clicks on the Confirm button.

    1 PIN Number

  4. The customer clicks on the Verify PIN button.

    1 Verify PIN

  5. The customer is redirected to the confirmation page where he sees the payment details and clicks on the Confirm button.

    1 confirmation page

    1 Processing

  6. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success