Zalo Pay Test Data

In order for you to test Zalo Pay payment method successfully, it is necessary to have the Zalo Pay application installed on your phone and use the below test data to log in to the application and confirm payments. Be sure to use amount greater than 10000 VND.

Zalo Pay Test Data
Data Value
Account 0909700980
Password 111 111
OTP 111 111

Zalo Pay Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.
    1 Enter email
  2. The Customer is redirected to Zalo Pay payment page.
    1 Zalo Pay payment page
  3. The Customer opens Zalo Pay mobile application and scans the QR code.
    1 QR code scanning
  4. The payment details are displayed and the customer confirms by using the payment password.
    1 Payment confirmation
  5. The payment is confirmed.
    1 Payment successful
  6. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.
    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing