VTC Pay Test Data

For VTC Pay payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

VTC Pay Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address (the below page can be skipped by sending the parameter in the payment request).

    1 Enter Email Address

  2. The customer has to choose his preferred payment method from the list.

    1 Choose payment method

  3. After choosing the payment method the customer logs in to his VTC Pay account by using his account number and password.

    1 Account login

  4. The customer will receive a a code via text message to his phone number which he needs to enter to confirm the payment.

    1 Code via text message

  5. The customer receives a message that the payment was successfully processed.

    1 Payment successfully processed

  6. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success