7-Eleven Pago en efectivo Test Data

In order for you to test 7-Eleven Pago en efectivo payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

7-Eleven Pago en efectivo Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters the required details: email address, first name and last name.

    1 Enter name and email

  2. The customer receives a voucher with a barcode. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the voucher with the barcode and pay it at any 7-Eleven store.

    1 Payment instructions

ACH Debit Test Data

For ACH Debit payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

ACH Debit Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer selects his preferred payment method from the list.

    1 Select payment method

  3. After selecting the payment method, the customer enters the required information and proceeds with the payment.

    1 Login details

  4. The customer receives a message that the payment was successfully processed. He also has the possibility to print the transaction details.

    1 Payment confirmation

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

AffinOnline Test Data

For AffinOnline payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

AffinOnline Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with AffinOnline.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his AffinOnline account by entering his Username and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Airtel Money (Kenya) Test Data

In order for you to test Airtel Money payment method available in Kenya, please use the below test data.

Airtel Money (Kenya) Test Data
Data Value
Phone 254725362916

Airtel Money (Kenya) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in the Phone number.

    1 Payment instructions

  2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.

    1 Payment instructions

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Airtel Money Test Data

In order for you to test Airtel Money payment method available in Tanzania, please use the below test data.

Airtel Money (Tanzania) Test Data
Data Value
Phone 255737306783

Please click on the appropriate link below, to see how Airtel Money payment method works in Kenya, Ghana and Uganda:

Airtel Money (Tanzania) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in his first and last name, his email address and his phone number.1 Payment instructions
  2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.1 Payment instructions
  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Airtel Money Test Data

In order for you to test Airtel Money payment method available in Tanzania, please use the below test data.

Airtel Money (Tanzania) Test Data
Data Value
Phone 255737306783

For Airtel Money payment method available in Kenya, you can see how it works with the payment flow given here: Airtel Money (Kenya) Payment Flow (2).

Airtel Money (Tanzania) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in his phone number.

    1 Payment instructions

  2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.

    1 Payment instructions

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Alfa-Click Test Data

For Alfa-Click payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Alfa-Click Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer reviews the payment details and logins to his Alfa-Click account in order to complete the transaction.

    1 Payment instructions

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Alipay Test Data

In order for you to test Alipay payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Alipay Test Data
Data Value
Email address: cnbuyer_3467@alitest.com
Login password: a111111
Payment password: b111111
Alipay New Test Data
Data Value
Email address: forex_1699541344189@alitest.com
Login password: 111111
Payment password: 111111

Alipay Payment Flow

  1. The Customer selects his preferred currency from the list and continues the payment by clicking on the Continue button.1 Select currency
  2. Once the customer arrives at the provider’s page he has two choices: to continue with the payment using the mobile version or using the desktop version.1 Payment version
  3. The customer logs in to his Alipay account by entering his email address and login password.1 Account login
  4. The customer confirms the payment by entering the payment password.1 Payment password
  5. The payment is processing.1 Payment processing
  6. In a few seconds the customer will be redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

AlipayHK Test Data

In order for you to test the AlipayHK payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

AlipayHK Test Data
Data Value
Phone Number: Enter any 10 digit number. Example: 1234567812
Authentication code: Enter any 6 digit number. Example: 123456
Payment password: Enter any 6 digit number. Example: 123456

AlipayHK Payment Flow

  1. The customer is redirected to the AlipayHK website where they are prompted to scan a QR code using the AlipayHK app.

    1 Enter phone

  2. The customer is redirected to AlipayHK page. The user needs to add their phone number attached to the AlipayHK wallet and request a verification code.

    1 Enter Authentication Code

  3. The customer needs to enter the verification code received via SMS on the phone number linked to the AlipayHK wallet.

    1 Account login

  4. The user confirms the payment and the Amount to be charged.

    1 Payment password

  5. The user needs to enter the payment password.

    1 Payment password

  6. The user is redirected to the payment confirmation page where he can see the payment amount details.

    1 Payment password

  7. The payment is successful and the user is redirected to the AlipayHK payment confirmation page.

    1 Payment password

  8. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

AmBank Test Data

For AmBank payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

AmBank Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with AmBank.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Bancomer Pago referenciado Test Data

In order for you to test Bancomer Pago referenciado payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

Bancomer Pago referenciado Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters the required details: email address, first name and last name.

    1 Enter name and email

  2. The customer receives the payment instructions. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the instructions and go to a physical bank branch in his area and pay with cash or check deposit.

    1 Payment instructions

Bank Islam Online Test Data

For Bank Islam Online payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Bank Islam Online Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with Bank Islam Online.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account by entering his User ID and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Bank Rakyat Internet Banking Test Data

For Bank Rakyat Internet Banking payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Bank Rakyat Internet Banking Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with Bank Rakyat Internet Banking.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his Rakyat Internet Banking account by entering his Username and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Bank Transfer Japan Test Data

In order for you to test the Bank Transfer Japan payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Bank Transfer Japan Test Data
Data Value
Last Name: Enter any name.
First Name: Enter any name.
Phone Number: Enter any 10 digit number. Example: 1234567812

Bank Transfer Japan Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer enters the payment details. He must fill the form with his last name, first name and a valid phone. For test purposes, please provide any first and last name and also any 10 digit phone number.

    1 Payment details

  3. The Customer sees the payment summary and details. He will receive an email containing further instructions for completing the purchase.

    1 Payment instructions

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Bank Transfer Mexico Test Data

For Bank Transfer Mexico payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Bank Transfer Mexico Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CURP/RFC/IFE, and chooses his preferred payment option from the given list.
    Please note that for Mexico the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CURP/RFC/IFE. For more information about the CURP/RFC/IFE please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer can print the payment details and complete the payment in the next 48 hours at the corresponding bank. Payment confirmation may take between 24 and 48 business hours.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Bank Transfer Peru Test Data

For Bank Transfer Peru payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Bank Transfer Peru Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and DNI. Please note that for Peru the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of DNI. For more information about the DNI please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer receives the printable payment details in order to complete the payment.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Bank Transfer Test Data

In order for you to test Bank Transfer payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

Bank Transfer Payment Flow

  1. The customer will be redirected to the payment page where he enters his name.

    1 Enter name

  2. The customer receives the details to make the payment of the transaction. He also has the possibility to print the payment details.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

  • There is another possibility to complete a Bank Transfer payment flow where you can send your own Reference Number in the request.
  1. The customer will be redirected to the payment page where he enters his name.

    1 Enter name

  2. The customer receives the payment details with his specific Reference Number. He also has the possibility to print the payment details.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

  • There is even one more simple possibility to complete a Bank Transfer payment flow where you can display the payment instructions on your own page by sending the mandatory parameter Customer and use the information received in Response for ReferenceDetails.
  1. The customer will see and complete the payment instructions on your own page.

  2. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Bank Transfer Turkey Test Data

For Bank Transfer Turkey payment method test data is available on demand. Please contact our support department at technicalsupport-s2p@nuvei.com for more information.

Bank Transfer Turkey Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his phone number and his email address.1 Enter customer details
  2. The customer chooses the desired bank from the list provided.1 SMS Verification
  3. The customer enters his phone number and the verification code and clicks on the Approve button.1 SMS Verification
  4. The customer will receive a message that the bank information were sent to his mobile phone via sms. He just needs to write his GPM registered mobile phone to explain his payment.1 Perform payment

Beeline Test Data

For Beeline payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Beeline Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his mobile phone number.

    1 Enter phone number

  2. A text message is sent to the customer in order to confirm the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

BII VA Test Data

For BII VA payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

BII VA Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer receives a reference number and a virtual account that he uses to make the payment at an ATM.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Bitcoin Test Data

For Bitcoin payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Bitcoin Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address and name.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer clicks Pay with Bitcoin to continue the payment.

    1 Pay with Bitcoin

  3. The customer’s preferred Bitcoin application opens automatically with the payment parameters prefilled.

    1 Bitcoin application login

  4. The customer has the possibility to monitor the status of the payment.

    1 Monitor status

  5. The customer can return to the merchant website by clicking “Return to Merchant” button.

    1 Return to merchant

  6. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

BKM Express Test Data

For BKM Express payment method test data is available on demand. Please contact our support department at technicalsupport-s2p@nuvei.com for more information.

BKM Express Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his phone number and his email address.1 Enter customer details
  2. The customer receives a 6-digit verification code at the phone number that he previously added. He needs to enter the 6-digit code and click the Confirm button.1 SMS Verification
  3. The Customer logs in to his BKM Express account with his email address and password.1 Account login
  4. The customer verifies the payment information and the user details and completes the transaction by clicking on the Perform Payment button.1 Perform payment
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Boleto Bancario Brazil Test Data

For Boleto Bancario Brazil payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Boleto Bancario Brazil Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CPF/CNPJ.
    Please note that for Brazil the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CPF/CNPJ. For more information about the CPF/CNPJ please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer verifies the transaction details and confirms the payment. He also has the possibility to change the payment method if needed.1 Print Boleto
  3. The customer is redirected to the payment confirmation page where he can choose to complete the payment by using the payment code received (payment through internet banking) or by printing the Boleto (payment at any bank agency).1 Print Boleto
  4. The customer receives the Boleto with all the necessary payment details. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the Boleto and go to a physical bank branch in his area and pay. 1 Print Boleto

Boleto Bancário Test Data

In order for you to test Boleto Bancário payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Boleto Bancário Test Data
Data Value
Name: Enter any name, example: John Doe
CPF: 31130088910 63598982330
The CPF can be submitted with or without separators.
CNPJ: 96705418000173 47248656000191
The CNPJ can be submitted with or without separators.
The CPJ / CNPJ number is collected and sent in the payment request using the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter from the Customer object.

Please note that according to the Brazilian Federation of Banks the CPF/CNPJ is mandatory for processing Boletos.

Boleto Bancário Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CPF/CNPJ, and chooses his preferred payment option from the given list. Please note that for Brazil the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CPF/CNPJ. For more information about the CPF/CNPJ please click here.

    1 Enter name, email and CPJ / CNPJ

  2. The customer receives the Boleto with all the necessary payment details. In order to complete the payment, he has the following options: to print the Boleto and go to a physical bank branch in his area and pay with cash or cheque, pay online using internet banking, or pay via an ATM machine.

    1 Print Boleto

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Boleto Brazil Test Data

For Boleto Brazil payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Boleto Brazil Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CPF/CNPJ.
    Please note that for Brazil the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CPF/CNPJ. For more information about the CPF/CNPJ please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer receives the Boleto with all the necessary payment details. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the Boleto and go to a physical bank branch in his area and pay with cash, use online banking, or simply go to an ATM machine.

    1 Print Boleto

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Boleto Itaú Test Data

In order for you to test Boleto Itaú payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

Boleto Itaú Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters the required details: email address, first name and last name.

    1 Enter name and email

  2. The customer receives the Boleto with all the necessary payment details. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the Boleto and go to a physical bank branch in his area and pay with cash, use online banking, or simply go to an ATM machine.

    1 Print Boleto

Cards Brazil Test Data

For Cards Brazil payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cards Brazil Payment Flow

  1. The customer chooses his card brand and enters the necessary card details. He completes the transaction by clicking on the Continue button.

    1 Payment details

  2. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Cards Colombia Test Data

For Cards Colombia payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cards Colombia Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CC. Please note that for Colombia the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of CC. For more information about the CC please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer enters his email address, name and card details: Card Number, CVC (CSC) and Expiration Date. He finalizes the payment by using the Pay button.

    1 Enter card details

  3. The customer receives a message that the payment has been completed correctly.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Cards Japan Test Data

In order for you to test the Cards Japan payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Cards Japan Test Data
Data Value
Last Name: Enter any name
First Name: Enter any name
Credit Card Number: JCB: 3530111333300000
American Express: 378282246310005
VISA: 4111111111111111
Master Card: 5555555555554444
Diners Club: 30569309025904
Insufficient funds: 4123111111111000
Exceeds card limit: 4123111111111018
Bad verification value: 4123111111111034
Card expired: 4123111111111042
Cannot use card: 4123111111111059
Invalid card: 4123111111111067
Card Security Code: Any 3 digit number. Example: 123
Expiration date: Choose a month and a year at least equal than the current month and year

Cards Japan Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer enters the payment details. He must fill the form with his last name, first name and a valid credit card number. For test purposes, please provide any first and last name and one of the test credit card numbers given above.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page.

    1 Payment instructions

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

Cards LATAM Test Data

For Cards LATAM payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cards LATAM Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and his Customer Social Security Number, and chooses his preferred payment option from the given list. See below, depending on the selected country, the values for the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter.

    Country Customer Social Security Number
    Argentina For Argentina the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of DNI. For more information about the DNI please click here.
    Brazil For Brazil the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of CPF/CNPJ. For more information about the CPF/CNPJ please click here.
    Chile For Chile the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of RUT. For more information about the RUT please click here.
    Colombia For Colombia the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of CC. For more information about the CC please click here.
    Mexico For Mexico the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of CURP/RFC/IFE. For more information about the CURP/RFC/IFE please click here.
    Uruguay For Uruguay the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of CI. For more information about the CI please click here.
    Peru For Peru the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of DNI. For more information about the DNI please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer enters his name and card details: Card Number, CVC (CSC) and Expiration Date. He finalizes the payment by using the Pay button.

    1 Voucher

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

Cards Mexico Test Data

For Cards Mexico payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cards Mexico Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CURP/RFC/IFE. Please note that for Mexico the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CURP/RFC/IFE. For more information about the CURP/RFC/IFE please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer enters his email address, name and card details: Card Number, CVC (CSC) and Expiration Date. He finalizes the payment by using the Pay button.

    1 Enter card details

  3. The customer receives a message that the payment has been completed correctly.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Cards Peru Test Data

For Cards Peru payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cards Peru Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and DNI. Please note that for Peru the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of DNI. For more information about the DNI please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer enters his email address, name and card details: Card Number, CVC (CSC) and Expiration Date. He finalizes the payment by using the Pay button.

    1 Enter card details

  3. The customer receives a message that the payment has been completed correctly.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Cards Russia Test Data

For Cards Russia payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cards Russia Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer enters the card details: card number, expiration date and CVC.

    1 Card details

  3. The customer verifies the payment details, enters the same CVC and confirms the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. The customer receives the payment confirmation.

    1 Payment confirmation received

  5. You will receive a notification with the Authorized status. Meanwhile the customer is redirected to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

  6. The last step of the payment flow is the capture action when the transaction becomes successful. Simply do a blank REST POST – POST /v1/payments/{id}/capture, where the ID is the GlobalPay Payment ID. In the response we will return the new status as being Success.

    By default, a deferred payment holds the money for 7 days (this is standard for the Visa and MasterCard payment systems). After this time, the issuing bank can unblock the money at any time.

Cards Test Data

In order for you to test Cards payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Cards Test Data
Data Value
Card Number (VISA): 4111111111111111
Expiration Date: Choose a month and a year at least equal than the current month and year
Card CVV/CVC: Any 3 digit number. Example: 123

Cards Payment Flow

  1. The customer chooses his preferred currency from the list and enters his email address and name.

    1 Enter email and name

  2. The customer enters the required card details to make the payment, such as name, card number, expiration date and card CVV/CVC.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Cards Turkey Test Data

For Cards Turkey payment method test data is available on demand. Please contact our support department at technicalsupport-s2p@nuvei.com for more information.

Cards Turkey Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his phone number and his email address.1 Enter customer details
  2. The customer receives a 6-digit verification code at the phone number that he previously added. He needs to enter the 6-digit code and click the Confirm button.1 SMS Verification
  3. The Customer enters his credit card details and confirms the payment.1 Payment confirmation
  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Cards Vietnam Test Data

For Cards Vietnam payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cards Vietnam Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address (the below page can be skipped by sending the parameter in the payment request).

    1 Enter Email Address

  2. The customer has to choose his preferred payment option from the given list.

    1 Choose card

  3. The customer needs to enter the necessary credit card information and billing information. Then he needs to confirm the payment.

    1 Code via text message

  4. The customer receives a message that the payment was successfully processed.

    1 Payment successfully processed

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Cash Option Thailand Test Data

For Cash Option Thailand payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cash Option Thailand Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Phone Number, and chooses his preferred payment option from the given list.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer receives the printable payment details and the payment instructions. He needs to print the voucher and present it to the cashier at any Big Central Counter branch.

    1 Payment instructions

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Cash Payment Colombia Test Data

For Cash Payment Colombia payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cash Payment Colombia Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CC, and chooses his preferred payment option from the given list. Please note that for Colombia the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of CC. For more information about the CC please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer sees the payment summary and chooses the payment option.

    1 Payment summary

  3. The customer needs to enter the necessary details in order to complete the transaction.

    1 Payment details

  4. The customer receives the voucher number and payment details. He needs to pay the exact amount at any Efecty, Davivienda, Baloto, Boleto Bancolombia branch.

    1 Payment details

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Cash Payment Peru Test Data

For Cash Payment Peru payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cash Payment Peru Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and DNI.
    Please note that for Peru the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of DNI. For more information about the DNI please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer receives the printable payment details in order to complete the payment.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Cash Payments Argentina Test Data

For Cash Payments Argentina payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cash Payments Argentina Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and National Identity Document (DNI), and chooses his preferred payment option from the given list. Please note that for Argentina the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of DNI. For more information about the DNI please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer receives the printable voucher. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the voucher and present it to any Rapi Pago or Pago Fácil store in his area to make the payment.

    1 Voucher

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Cash-in CIS Test Data

For Cash-in CIS payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cash-in CISPayment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer receives the payment details and the order number with which he can complete the payment at any ATM or office and clicks Pay in order to complete the transaction.

    1 Payment instructions

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Cash-in Test Data

For Cash-in payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Cash-in Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer needs to enter the details of his Russian passport in order to continue the payment.

  3. The Customer receives the payment code with which he can complete the payment at any ATM or office. He also has the possibility to print the payment instructions.

    1 Payment instructions

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

CashU Test Data

In order for you to test CashU payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

CashU Test Data
Data Value
Account ID: JwLqCa621762953@cashUcard.com
Password: 67l6Yoyied115

For test purposes, please initiate payments using only small amounts.

CashU Payment Flow

  1. The Customer selects the preferred currency from the list.

    1 Select currency

  2. The Customer enters the payment details. He must fill the form with his CashU Account ID and password and enter the code given in the security box.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Celcom AirCash Test Data

For Celcom AirCash payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Celcom AirCash Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with Celcom AirCash by entering his registered mobile number.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

CIMB Clicks Test Data

For CIMB Clicks payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

CIMB Clicks Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with CIMB Clicks.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account by entering his User ID and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

CIMB Clicks Test Data

For CIMB Clicks payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

CIMB Clicks Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer receives the details of the payment and proceeds to pay with CIMB Clicks.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account by entering his User ID and makes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Credit Card Test Data

For Credit Card (Indonesia) payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Credit Card Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer enters his card details (Cardholder Name, Credit card No, CVC/CVV2, Expiry Date, Card Issuing Country, Card Issuing Bank) and finalizes the payment.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Credit Cards Argentina Test Data

For Credit Cards Argentina payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Credit Cards Argentina Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and National Identity Document (DNI).
    Please note that for Argentina the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of National Identity Document (DNI)! For more information about the DNI please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer enters his name and card details: Card Number, CVC (CSC) and Expiration Date, and finalizes the payment by using the Pay button.

    1 Enter card details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Credit Cards Brazil Test Data

For Credit Cards Brazil payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Credit Cards Brazil Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CPF / CNPJ.
    Please note that for Brazil the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CPF / CNPJ. For more information about the CPF / CNPJ please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer enters his name and card details: Card Number, CVC (CSC) and Expiration Date. He finalizes the payment by using the Pay button.

    1 Enter card details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Credit Cards Chile Test Data

For Credit Cards Chile payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Credit Cards Chile Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and RUT. Please note that for Chile the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of RUT. For more information about the RUT please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer enters his email address, name and card details: Card Number, CVC (CSC) and Expiration Date. He finalizes the payment by using the Pay button.

    1 Enter card details

  3. The customer receives a message that the payment has been completed correctly.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Credit Cards Colombia Test Data

For Credit Cards Colombia payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Credit Cards Colombia Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer selects his preferred payment method from the list.

    1 Select payment method

  3. After selecting the payment method, the customer has to enter the required information. He has to fill out a form with the required card and customer details.

    1 Login details

  4. The customer receives a message that the payment was successfully processed. He also has the possibility to print the transaction details.

    1 Payment confirmation

Credit Cards Turkey Test Data

For Credit Cards Turkey payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Credit Cards Turkey Payment Flow

    1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Turkish Identification Number (ID).
      Please note that for Turkey the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of ID. For more information about the ID please click here.

      1 Enter customer details

    2. The customer logs in to his account by entering his Customer ID and password.

      1 Enter account details

    3. The Customer checks the payment resume and proceeds with the payment by clicking on the Confirm button.

      1 Payment confirmation

    4. The customer receives a message that the payment has been completed correctly.

      1 Payment confirmation

    5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

      1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Credit Cards Uruguay Test Data

For Credit Cards Uruguay payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Credit Cards Uruguay Payment Flow

    1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Identity Card (CI).
      Please note that for Uruguay the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of Identity Card (CI). For more information about the CI please click here.

      1 Enter customer details

    2. The customer enters his name and card details: Card Number, CVC (CSC) and Expiration Date. He finalizes the payment by using the Pay button.

      1 Enter card details

    3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

      1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Dana Test Data

In order for you to test the Dana payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Dana Test Data
Data Value
Phone Number: Enter any 11 digit number. Example: 12345678123
PIN number: Enter any 6 digit number. Example: 123456

Dana Payment Flow

  1. The customer is redirected to Dana page where he needs to add his phone number.

    1 Phone number

  2. The customer needs to enter the PIN number.

    1 PIN number confirmation

  3. The customer sees the payment details and confirms the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. The customer receives a message confirmation of the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Danamon Online Banking Test Data

For Danamon Online Banking payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Danamon Online Banking Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The payment details are displayed and the customer can proceed with the payment on Danamon Online Banking page.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account with his User ID and password and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Danske Test Data

For Danske payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Danske Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills the required details and confirms the payment.

    1 Enter payment details

  2. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Débito Banco do Brasil Test Data

For Débito Banco do Brasil payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Débito Banco do Brasil Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CPF/CNPJ. Please note that for Brazil the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CPF/CNPJ. For more information about the CPF/CNPJ please click here.

    1 Enter name, email and CPF/CNPJ

  2. The Customer chooses his account type.

    1 Account type selection

  3. The customer logs in to his account by entering the login details and authorizes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

DragonPay Test Data

In order for you to test the DragonPay payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

DragonPay Test Data
Online Banking Bank Name: Test Bank Online
Login ID: pwd
Password: pwd
Over-the-Counter / ATM banking Bank Name: Test Bank Online Over-the-Counter
You will get an email and you will follow the link and confirm the payment

DragonPay Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.1 Enter email
  2. The customer selects his bank. For test purposes, please select for Online Banking: Test Bank Online, and for Over-the-Counter/ATM Banking: Test Bank Online Over-the-Counter.1 Bank selection
  3. The customer enters his login details. The test Login ID is pwd and the test password is pwd.1 Login details
  4. The customer selects his available bank account. For test purposes, please select one of the bank accounts given in the form.1 Bank account selection
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

eNETS Debit Test Data

For eNETS Debit payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

eNETS Debit Payment Flow

  1. The Customer selects the preferred currency from the list and enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer needs to enter the correct payment details and he continues the payment by using the Submit button.

    1 Change details

  3. The customer chooses his preferred bank from the list.

    1 Select bank

  4. The customer logs in to his bank account by entering his User ID and PIN.

    1 Login details

  5. The customer receives a notification with the final status of the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  6. A printable receipt will appear in a separate browser window.

    1 Transaction receipt

  7. All the payment details will also appear in a new window of the browser.

    1 Payment details

EPS Test Data

In order for you to test EPS payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

New EPS Test Data
Data Value
IBAN AT938900000001100509
Login 1002823
Password EK38]X^=y9uUtf$
Old EPS Test Data
Data Value
Verfügernummer 123456
Verfügername Enter any name (example: John) or leave it empty, and click Login
PIN Enter any number (example: 123) or leave it empty, and click Login
Mobile TAN Enter any number (example: 1234) or leave it empty, and click OK
Old EPS Test Data
Data Value
IBAN AT648900000001100449
Login 1004649
Password gKFQ’w3m>-Y?9k_#nUE8
Old EPS Test Data
Data Value
IBAN AT918900000001100448
Login 1009853
Password gKFQ’w3m>-Y?9k_#nUE8v

EPS Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters the BIC and selects his preferred bank. The test BIC is: HYPTAT22XXX.1 Select bank
  2. The customer enters his login details. For test purposes you don’t need to enter any data (name or PIN), just click on the Login Button.1 Login details
  3. The customer reviews the payment details and proceeds with the payment.1 Review details
  4. The customer chooses to confirm the payment using mobile TAN.1 Mobile TAN
  5. The customer confirms the payment by using the TAN number.1 Payment confirmation
  6. The customer receives a message that the EPS online transfer was successful.1 Payment confirmation received
  7. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Equitel Test Data

In order for you to test Equitel payment method available in Kenya, please use the below test data.

Equitel (Kenya) Test Data
Data Value
Phone 254725362916

Equitel (Kenya) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in his first and last name, his email address and his phone number.

    1 Payment instructions

  2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.

    1 Payment instructions

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Fawry Wallet Test Data

For Fawry Wallet payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Fawry Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address and his Social Security Number (SSN).

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer receives the necessary information to make the payment, including a reference number. The customer will use the reference number to pay through Fawry channels and outlets within the specified time.

    1 Print Boleto

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Finnish Banks Test Data

In order for you to test the Finnish Banks payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Finnish Banks Test Data
Bank Name Data Value
Nordea User ID 123456
Password 1234
Confirmation code Any 3 digit number

Example: 123

OP-Pohjola (Osuuspankin) User ID 123456
Password 7890
Key number Any number

Example: 123

Danske Use your own user ID for testing.
Ålandsbanken User ID 12345678
Password 1234
Key number Any 4 digit number

Example: 1234

Handelsbanken User ID 11111111
Password 123456
Security code 123456
S-Pankki User ID 12345678
Password 9999
Security code 1234
Aktia User ID 12345678
Password 123456
Security code 1234
POP Pankki User ID 11111111
Password 123456
Security code 123456
Säästöpankki User ID 11111111
Password 123456
Security code 123456
Oma Säästöpankki User ID 11111111
Password 123456
Security code 123456

The MethodOptionID parameter for Finnish Banks method can have the following values:

Finnish Banks Method Option IDs
Method Option ID Description
60 Nordea
61 OP-Pohjola (Osuuspankki)
62 Danske
64 Ålandsbanken
65 Handelsbanken
67 S-Pankki
298 Aktia
299 POP Pankki
300 Säästöpankki
322 Oma Säästöpankki

Finnish Banks Payment Flow

  1. The Customer chooses his Bank from the list.1 Bank selection
  2. The Customer enters the payment details. He must fill the form with his User ID and password. The test User ID is 123456 and the test password is 1234.1 Payment details
  3. The customer enters the confirmation code and confirms the payment. The test confirmation code is formed by any number; example: 1231 Payment confirmation
  4. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page where he sees the payment details.1 Payment confirmation
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

FPX Test Data

For FPX payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

FPX Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with FPX.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

GCash Test Data

In order for you to test the GCash payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

GCash Test Data
Data Value
Phone Number: Enter any 10 digit number. Example: 1234567812
Authentication code: Enter any 6 digit number. Example: 123456
PIN number: Enter any 4 digit number. Example: 1234

GCash Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his mobile phone number.

    1 Enter phone

  2. The Customer enters the authentication code that was send to his mobile phone number.

    1 Enter Authentication Code

  3. The customer logs in to his GCash account by entering his PIN number.

    1 Account login

  4. The customer reviews the payment details and confirms the payment.

    1 Payment password

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is processing

Giropay Test Data

Testing details  for merchant integration using Giropay are not available

The payment status can have the following values: Open, Success, Failed and Cancelled.

Giropay Payment Flow

  1. The Customer searches and selects his bank from the list. The test Bank must contain the BIC: TESTDETT421!

    1 Bank selection

  2. The Customer enters his Login Name and PIN. The test Login Name is chiptanscatest2 and the test Pin is formed from a 5 digit number: 12345.

    1 Login details

  3. The Customer selects a mobile device for SMS confirmation:

    1 Mobile number selection

  4. The customer verifies the payment details received and enters the TAN number to confirm the order. The test TAN number to be used: 123456.

    1 Enter TAN

  5. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page, where the user can confirm the Client account to be used to complete the payment:


  6. After choosing the account, the customer is required to confirm the TAN again:


  7. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Globe GCash Test Data

For Globe GCash payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Globe GCash Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer enters his Globe phone number.

    1 Enter phone number

  3. The customer receives an SMS from GCash and confirms the payment by responding with his received MPIN.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

GPay Test Data

For GPay payment method test data is available on demand. Please contact our support department at technicalsupport-s2p@nuvei.com for more information.

GPay Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his phone number and his email address.1 Enter customer details
  2. The customer receives a 6-digit verification code at the phone number that he previously added. He needs to enter the 6-digit code and click the Confirm button.1 SMS Verification
  3. The customer sees the payment details and he needs to choose the payment option in order to complete the payment.1 SMS Verification
  4. The customer verifies the payment information and the user details and completes the transaction by clicking on the Perform Payment button.1 Perform payment
  5. The customer receives a message that the payment has been completed correctly.1 Payment confirmation
  6. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Hong Leong Bank Transfer Test Data

For Hong Leong Bank Transfer payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Hong Leong Bank Transfer Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with Hong Leong Bank Transfer.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Hong Leong Connect PEx+ Test Data

For Hong Leong Connect PEx+ payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Hong Leong Connect PEx+ Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer logs in to his Connect mobile app on his smartphone by entering his password, scans the QR code and confirms the payment.

    1 Account login

IB Muamalat Test Data

For IB Muamalat payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

IB Muamalat Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer receives the details of the payment and proceeds to pay with IB Muamalat.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account with his User ID and password and makes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

iDEAL Test Data

In order for you to test the iDEAL payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

iDEAL Test Data
Data Value
Your bank: InternalIssuerSimulation (for Fortis)
Issuer Simulator (for ING)
iDEAL Test Data
Amount Value 100 200 300 400 500
Status Success Cancelled Expired Open Failed

The MethodOptionID parameter for iDEAL method can have the following values:

iDEAL Method Option IDs
Method Option ID Description
11 ASN Bank
13 SNS Bank
20 Triodos Bank
21 RegioBank
37 ING
38 Rabobank
39 Van Lanschot Bankiers
45 Knab
321 Bunq
391 Moneyou
421 Handelsbanken
438 Revolut
566 N26
573 Nationale-Nederlanden

iDEAL Payment Flow

  1. The customer selects the bank from the list.

    1 Bank selection

  2. The customer confirms the transaction by clicking on the Confirm Transaction button.

    1 Transaction confirmation

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Indosat Dompetku Test Data

For Indosat Dompetku payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Indosat Dompetku Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer enters his phone number then confirms the payment with his mobile phone.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Ininal Test Data

For Ininal payment method test data is available on demand. Please contact our support department at technicalsupport-s2p@nuvei.com for more information.

Ininal Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his phone number and his email address.1 Enter customer details
  2. The customer receives a 6-digit verification code at the phone number that he previously added. He needs to enter the 6-digit code and click the Confirm button.1 SMS Verification
  3. The Customer enters his Ininal card information and confirms the payment.1 Payment confirmation
  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Interac Instant Test Data

See how Interac Instant works with the payment flows for Interac e-Transfer. In order for you to test the Interac Instant payment method successfully, please use the test data provided. You will need a Canada VPN connection in order to successfully perform an end to end test.

Interac Instant – Interac e-Transfer Payment Flow

Interac Instant Test Data – Interac e-Transfer Option
Data Value
First Name: Larry
Last Name: Johnson
Email Address: Enter any valid email address. Example: person@test.com
Phone Number: Enter any 10 digit number. Example: 0745123456
  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Select payment option

  2. The customer is redirected to the Interac Instant app where he chooses his Bank.

    1 Select payment option

  3. The customer chooses to pay via Interac e-Transfer.

    1 Card details

  4. The customer is redirected to the payment info page where he can see all the information needed to make an Interac e-Transfer deposit. The customer needs to go to his bank’s mobile app or website to complete the transfer.

    1 PIN Number

INTERAC@Online Test Data

For INTERAC@Online payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

INTERAC@Online Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters the required details to make the payment, such as name, email, phone number and billing address.

    1 Payment details

  2. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

IXE Pago referenciado Test Data

In order for you to test IXE Pago referenciado payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

IXE Pago referenciado Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters the required details: email address, first name and last name.

    1 Enter name and email

  2. The customer receives the payment instructions. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the instructions and go to a physical bank branch in his area and pay with cash or check deposit.

    1 Payment instructions

KakaoPay Test Data

For KakaoPay payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Kakaopay Payment Flow

  1. The customer is redirected to the KakaoPay website where they are prompted to scan a QR code using the KakaoPay app. For testing purposes the minimum payment amount is 50 KRW.

    1 Type of payment

  2. The customer confirms the payment using biometric verification or their 6-digit PIN.

    1 Payment confirmation

  3. The customer sees the payment details and a message confirmation of the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Kartuku Test Data

For Kartuku payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Kartuku Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer receives an email with the reference number and the virtual account which he uses to make the payment at an ATM.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Klarna Checkout Test Data

In order for you to test Klarna Checkout payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Testing environment https://checkout.testdrive.klarna.com
Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret Please use the Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret provided to you by Klarna.
Email address checkout-at@testdrive.klarna.com
Postal code 8071
First name Testperson-at
Last name Approved
Street Klarna-straße 1/2/3
House number 1
City Hausmannstätten
Phone number 0676 2600000
The information above is exemplary, any credentials will work
Testing environment https://checkout.testdrive.klarna.com
Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret Please use the Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret provided to you by Klarna.
The information above is exemplary, any credentials will work
Testing environment https://checkout.testdrive.klarna.com
Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret Please use the Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret provided to you by Klarna.
Email address checkout-fi@testdrive.klarna.com
Postal code 28100
Personal identity number 190122-829F
Address Kiväärikatu 10
City Pori
Phone number 0401234567
Testing environment https://checkout.testdrive.klarna.com
Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret Please use the Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret provided to you by Klarna.
Email address checkout-de@testdrive.klarna.com
Postal code 41460
First name Testperson-de
Last name Approved
Street Hellersbergstraße
House number 14
City Neuss
Phone number 01522113356
The information above is exemplary, any credentials will work
Testing environment https://checkout.testdrive.klarna.com
Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret Please use the Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret provided to you by Klarna.
Email address checkout-no@testdrive.klarna.com
Postal code 0563
Personal identity number 01087000571
First name Testperson-no
Last name Approved
Address Sæffleberggate 56
City Oslo
Phone number 40 123 456
Testing environment https://checkout.testdrive.klarna.com
Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret Please use the Merchant ID (eid) and shared secret provided to you by Klarna.
Email address checkout-se@testdrive.klarna.com
Postal code 12345
Personal identity number 410321-9202

Klarna Checkout Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer enters the postal code.

    1 Enter postal code

  3. The Customer fills in the form the required details for the billing address.

    1 Billing address

  4. The customer reviews the transaction details and confirms the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  5. The customer receives the payment confirmation.

    1 Payment confirmation received

  6. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Klarna Payments Test Data

Test Data
Data Value
Email: Enter any valid email. Example: youremail@email.com
First Name: Enter any name. Example: Doe
Last Name: Enter any name. Example: Test
Phone Number: Enter any number up to 15 characters. See below table for format per country
City Enter any city. Example: London
Street Enter any street. Example: Street 1
Zip Code Enter any number. Example: 12345
State Mandatory to be sent for country US. Enter any valid state.

Example: CA.

Country: Austria(AT), Belgium(BE), Canada(CA), Denmark(DK), Finland(FI), France(FR), Germany(DE), Ireland(IE), Italy(IT), Netherlands(NL), Norway(NO), Poland(PL), Portugal(PT), Spain(ES), Sweden(SE), Switzerland(CH), United Kingdom(UK), United States(US), Mexico(MX), Australia(AU) and New Zeeland(NZ)
Countries supported in production: Austria(AT), Belgium(BE), Canada(CA), Denmark(DK), Finland(FI), France(FR), Germany(DE), Ireland(IE), Italy(IT), Netherlands(NL), Norway(NO), Poland(PL), Portugal(PT), Spain(ES), Sweden(SE), Switzerland(CH), United Kingdom(UK), United States(US), Mexico(MX), Australia(AU) and New Zeeland(NZ)
Article Type: 4 = Discount, 5 = Physical, 6 = Shipping_fee, 7 = Sales_tax, 8 = Digital, 9 = Gift_card, 10 = Store_credit, 11 = Surcharge

Please note that depending on the country chosen by the customer, further personal details may be required from the customer, like: Date of Birth or Social Security Number (Personal ID Number):

Additional Test Data required from the customer on the provider’s page
Country Social Security Number (Personal ID Number)
Sweden (SE): 410321-9202
Finland (FI): 190122-829F
Norway (NO): 1087000571
Denmark (DK): 801363945
Additional Test Data required from the customer on the provider’s page
Country Date of Birth
For all supported countries: Format is Day/Month/Year (DD-MM-YYYY)
Enter any date.
Additional Test Data required from the customer on the provider’s page
Country Phone number (format)
Austria (AU): +4306762600456
Belgium (BE): +4306762600456
Canada (CA): +15197438620
Denmark (DK): +4542555628
Finland (FI): +358401234567
France (FR): +33689854321
Germany (DE): +49017614284340
Ireland (IE): +353855351400
Italy (IT): +393339741231
Netherlands (NL): +31689124321
Norway (NO): +4740123456
Poland (PL): +48795222223
Portugal (PT): +351935556731
Spain (ES): +34672563009
Sweden (SE): +46701740615
Switzerland (CH): +41758680000
United Kingdom (UK): +447755564318
United States (DE): +13106683312

For more details about the specific personal details required please go to our section: Payment flows per country.

On-Site Messaging
Nuvei supports Klarna’s On-site messaging solution, which enables merchants to add tailored messaging that informs customers about available Klarna payment options as they browse the merchant’s online store, even before they decide to buy.
Merchants integrate Klarna’s On-site messaging separately from their Nuvei integration. For instructions, see the On-site messaging section of the Klarna Docs website.

Klarna Payments Payment Flow

  1. This is a standard payment flow where the customer selected Austria (AU) country. For test purposes, please use the above test data depending on the country used. The Customer fills in the form with his personal details and then they are redirected to Klarna’s page where they are presented with the Confirm and Pay page.
    For Austria, they can choose a payment option from the given list: to pay in full or to in 30 days (with interest). When clicking on the pay option, they are presented with one of the 2 options:
    1 AT pay option select
    For the Pay in full option (Pay by Bank), they need to click on Pay by Bank with Klarna button.1 Place order
    For the Pay in 30 days option, they need to click on Pay with Klarna button:1 Place order
  2. If the customer hasn’t provided in the first step one of the required personal details: email, name or phone, he will provide this info on a further intermediary page. Please note that if Shipping Address is not sent, then by default it will have the same value as Billing Address.1 Enter details
  3. If the details are filled correctly by the Customer, the transaction is completed and you will receive a notification with the Authorized status. Meanwhile the customer is redirected to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success
  4. The last step of the payment flow is the capture action when the transaction becomes successful. Simply do a capture request – POST /v1/payments/{id}/capture, where the ID is the GlobalPay Payment ID. In the response we will return the new status as being Success.

Konbini Test Data

In order for you to test Konbini payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Konbini Test Data
Data Value
Email address: Enter valid email address: person@test.com

Konbini Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer must provide his first name and last name and choose his preferred convenience store to complete the payment.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page where he sees the payment summary and details. He will also receive an email containing further instructions for completing the purchase. The customer needs to save the barcode or payment slip number and tell the cashier to “pay online”.

    1 Payment instructions

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Loterica Test Data

For Loterica payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Loterica Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CPF/CNPJ.
    Please note that for Brazil the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CPF/CNPJ. For more information about the CPF/CNPJ please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer confirms the payment after reviewing all the details of the payment.

    1 Print Boleto

  3. The customer receives the code necessary to make the payment. He will also receive via email all the payment data. In order to complete the payment, he needs to go to a physical bank branch in his area in 3 days time. The payment will be approved in less than one hour..

    1 Print Boleto

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

M-Pesa (Tanzania) – Test Data

In order for you to test M-Pesa payment method available in Tanzania, please use the below test data.

M-Pesa (Tanzania) Test Data
Data Value
Phone 255653560949

M-Pesa (Tanzania) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in the Phone number.

    1 Payment instructions

  2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.

    1 Payment instructions

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

M-Pesa Test Data

In order for you to test M-Pesa payment method, please use the below test data.

M-Pesa Test Data
Data Value
Phone 254716737623

For M-Pesa payment method available in Tanzania, you can see how it works with the payment flow given here: M-Pesa (Tanzania) – DirectPay Payment Flow.

M-Pesa (Kenya) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in the Phone number.1 Payment instructions
  2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.1 Payment instructions
  3. The customer receives a push notification to his mobile and confirms the payment.1 Payment instructions
  • In case the customer has not received the M-Pesa prompt on his phone, there is another possibility to complete a M-Pesa payment flow by following the instructions:
  1. The customer opens the SIM Tool Kit and selects “M-Pesa” menu.1 Payment instructions
  2. The customer selects “Lipa na M-Pesa”.1 Payment instructions
  3. The customer selects the “Pay Bill” option.1 Payment instructions
  4. The customer enters his business number.1 Payment instructions
  5. The customer enters his account number.1 Payment instructions
  6. The customer needs to enter the amount.1 Payment instructions
  7. The customer needs to enter his M-Pesa PIN number and press “OK” button to complete the payment.1 Payment instructions
  8. The customer receives the payment details. If the details are correct he needs to press “OK” button to confirm the payment.1 Payment instructions

M-Pesa Test Data

In order for you to test M-Pesa payment method, please use the below test data.

M-Pesa Test Data
Data Value
Phone 254716737623

M-Pesa (Kenya) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in his first and last name, his email address and his phone number.1 Payment instructions
  2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.1 Payment instructions
  3. The customer receives a push notification to his mobile and confirms the payment.1 Payment instructions
  • In case the customer has not received the M-Pesa prompt on his phone, there is another possibility to complete a M-Pesa payment flow by following the instructions:
  1. The customer opens the SIM Tool Kit and selects “M-Pesa” menu.1 Payment instructions
  2. The customer selects “Lipa na M-Pesa”.1 Payment instructions
  3. The customer selects the “Pay Bill” option.1 Payment instructions
  4. The customer enters his business number.1 Payment instructions
  5. The customer enters his account number.1 Payment instructions
  6. The customer needs to enter the amount.1 Payment instructions
  7. The customer needs to enter his M-Pesa PIN number and press “OK” button to complete the payment.1 Payment instructions
  8. The customer receives the payment details. If the details are correct he needs to press “OK” button to confirm the payment.1 Payment instructions

Mandiri ATM Automatic Test Data

For Mandiri ATM Automatic payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Mandiri ATM Automatic Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer receives a reference number and a virtual account that he will use to make the payment at an ATM.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Mandiri Clicks Test Data

For Mandiri Clicks payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Mandiri Clicks Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer enters his card number and the generated token number to finalize the payment.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Mandiri e-Cash Test Data

For Mandiri e-Cash payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Mandiri e-Cash Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer receives the details of the payment and proceeds to pay with Mandiri e-Cash.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account by entering his phone number and PIN and makes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

MangirKart Test Data

For MangirKart payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

MangirKart Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer enters the 16 digit PIN. He also has to check and agree to the Terms of MangirKart before proceeding with the payment.

    1 Login details

  3. The customer sees the payment summary and details. He completes the transaction by clicking on the Pay button.

    1 Confirm transaction

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Mazooma Test Data

For Mazooma payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Mazooma Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address, first name and last name.

    1 Enter email and name

  2. Once the customer arrives at provider’s page he chooses to Sign In. If he arrives at Sign Up area he must go to Sign In area.

    1 Sign In area

  3. The customer logs in to his Mazooma account by entering his email address and password.

    1 Login details

  4. The customer logs in to his Test Bank online banking account by entering his User ID and password.

    1 Enter User Id

  5. The customer confirms the payment by using the Approve button.

    1 Payment confirmation

  6. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

MercadoPago Test Data

In order for you to test MercadoPago payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Test Users Brazil
Test User 1 Test User 2
Email test_user_83022133@testuser.com Email test_user_4432956@testuser.com
Nickname TETE4663724 Nickname TETE5993983
Password qatest9001 Password qatest9857
Credit Cards Brazil
Card type Card number Security code Expiration date
Mastercard 5031 4332 1540 6351 123 11/25
Visa 4235 6477 2802 5682 123 11/25
American Express 3753 651535 56885 1234 11/25
To test different payment results, complete the information you want in the cardholder’s name:
APRO: Payment approved.
CONT: Payment pending.
OTHE: Refused due to general error.
CALL: Refused with validation to authorize.
FUND: Refused for insufficient amount.
SECU: Refused due to invalid security code.
EXPI: Refused due to a problem with the due date.
FORM: Refused due to an error in the form.

MercadoPago Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his name, email address and CPF/CNPJ. He can also change his desired currency from the given list.1 Enter email
  2. The customer logs in to his MercadoPago account by entering his email address and password. If the customer doesn’t have a MercadoPago account yet, he will continue the payment as a guest.1 Login details
  3. The customer selects and verifies the payment option from the list, enters the card’s security code and confirms the payment.1 Payment details
  4. The customer receives a message that the payment was successfully approved and all the payment data will be sent to the customer via his registered email address.1 Payment confirmation
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Momo Test Data

In order for you to test the Momo payment method successfully, please use the below test data. You can also see how it works with the payment flows given below for Desktop and for Mobile devices. For testing purposes, you need to have installed the Momo application on your mobile device.

Momo Test Data
Data Value
Phone Number: 01228038440
Verification code: 000000
Payment password: 000000

Momo Desktop Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer is redirected to the Momo payment page where he scans the QR Code using the Momo application already installed on his mobile phone. He has 10 minutes in order to successfully scan the QR Code.

    1 QR Code page

  3. After the customer confirms the payment via his mobile phone application, the payment is successful and the user is redirected to the Momo payment confirmation page.

    1 Payment confirmation page.

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Momo Mobile Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer is redirected to the Momo application already installed on his mobile phone where he logs into the Momo application using his phone number.

    1 Momo application

  3. The customer enters the verification code received via his mobile phone.

    1 Verification code

  4. The customer logs into Momo application by entering his password.

    1 Account password

  5. The customer is redirected to the payment details form where he confirms the payment by clicking on the Confirm button.


  6. The customer enters his account password in order to complete the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation page

  7. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Moneta.ru Test Data

For Moneta.ru payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Moneta.ru Payment Flow

  1. The Customer selects the preferred currency from the list.

    1 Select currency

  2. The Customer enters the login details. He must fill the form with his email and password and continue the transaction using the Next button.

    1 Login details

  3. The Customer selects the bank account he wants to transfer money from and continue the transaction using the Next button.

    1 Select bank account

  4. The Customer enters the password of the payment and uses the Pay button to finish the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

MrCash Test Data

In order for you to test MrCash payment method, please use the below test data.

MrCash Test Data
Data Value
Card number 67030000000000003
Cardholder’s name Enter any name: e.g. John Doe
Expiry date Choose a month and a year at least equal than the current month and year

MrCash Payment Flow

  1. The Customer introduces the card details required.1 Login details
  2. The customer needs to confirm the payment.1 Enter identification password
  3. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page where the identification process is confirmed.1 Identification ok
  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

MTCPay Test Data

For MTCPay payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

MTCPay Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer logs in his MTCPay account with his username and password. He also has to enter the code given in the security box before proceeding with the payment.

    1 Login details

  3. The customer sees the payment summary and he completes the transaction by clicking on the Pay button.

    1 Confirm transaction

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

MTN (Rwanda) Test Data

For MTN payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

MTN (Rwanda) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in the Phone number.1 Payment instructions
  2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.1 Payment instructions
  3. The customer receives a mobile request to complete the payment. He has to select the transaction with the amount in RWF currency.1 Payment instructions
  4. The customer accepts or rejects the payment.1 Payment instructions
  5. The customer enters the mobile money PIN to complete the payment. He will receive an SMS confirmation of the transaction from MTN.1 Payment instructions

MTN (Zambia) Test Data

In order for you to test MTN payment method available in Zambia, please use the below test data.

MTN (Zambia) Test Data
Data Value
Phone 260214002248

MTN (Zambia) Payment Flow

    1. The customer fills in the Phone number.1 Payment instructions
    2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.1 Payment instructions

  1. The customer dials *303# to access the MTN Mobile Money menu.1 Payment instructions
  2. The customer selects Pay Bill option from the menu.1 Payment instructions
  3. The customer selects Goods and Services option from the menu.1 Payment instructions
  4. The customer enters the merchant ID. For test purposes, please use: 3GDP.1 Payment instructions
  5. The customer enters the amount.1 Payment instructions
  6. The customer enters the payment reference number. For test purposes, please use: 8417CE8C.1 Payment instructions
  7. The customer enters the PIN to complete the payment and receives a message that the payment was successful.1 Payment instructions

MTN Test Data

In order for you to test MTN payment method available in Uganda, please use the below test data.

MTN Test Data
Data Value
Phone 256387676229

MTN (Uganda) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in his first and last name, his email address and his phone number.1 Payment instructions
  2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.1 Payment instructions
  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

MTN Test Data

In order for you to test MTN payment method available in Uganda, please use the below test data.

MTN Test Data
Data Value
Phone 256387676229

For MTN payment method available in Rwanda and Zambia, you can see how it works with the payment flows given here: MTN (Rwanda) Payment Flow and MTN (Zambia) Payment Flow.

MTN (Unganda) Payment Flow

    1. The customer fills in the Phone number.1 Payment instructions
    2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.1 Payment instructions

  1. The customer dials *165# and selects from the menu the Payments option.1 Payment instructions
  2. The customer enters 3G as the Merchant Code.1 Payment instructions
  3. The customer enters the payment reference number. For test purposes, please use: 8412BA96.1 Payment instructions
  4. The customer enters the amount.1 Payment instructions
  5. The customer sees the payment details and enters the PIN to complete the payment.1 Payment instructions

MTS Test Data

For MTS payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

MTS Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his mobile phone number.

    1 Enter phone number

  2. A text message is sent to the customer in order to confirm the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Multibanco SIBS Test Data

In order for you to test Multibanco SIBS payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

Multibanco SIBS Payment Flow

  1. The Customer receives the printable payment details which he can use to make the payment at a Multibanco ATM, internet banking or mobile phone.

    1 Payment details

  2. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

MyBank Test Data

For MyBank payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

MyBank Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address, name, and chooses his preferred bank from the list. For test purposes please use test bank BRED or Codice Web.
    1 Select bank
  2. The customer verifies the payment details, logins to his account using his username and password and confirms the payment by clicking on the Autorizza button. Please keep in mind there is an order expiration time in which the customer may complete the payment, after which the payment will be expired.1 Login details
  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Mybank2U Test Data

For Mybank2U payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Mybank2U Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with Mybank2U.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

myBSN Test Data

For myBSN payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

myBSN Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with myBSN.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account by entering his Username and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

NetBanking Test Data

For NetBanking payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

NetBanking – Test Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Permanent account number (PAN).
    Please note that for India the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of PAN. For more information about the PAN please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer logs in to his account by entering his Customer ID and password. For test purposes, enter any Customer ID and password.1 Enter account details
  3. The Customer checks the payment resume and proceeds with the payment by clicking on the Confirm button. For test purposes, please choose and click Paid status from the ones provided on the page.1 Payment confirmation
  4. The customer receives a message that the payment has been completed correctly.1 Payment confirmation
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

NetBanking – Production Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Permanent account number (PAN).
    Please note that for India the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of PAN. For more information about the PAN please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer is redirected to a page where he selects his preferred Bank from the list in order to complete the payment.1 Bank selection
  3. The customer is redirected to the selected Bank page in order to log in and complete the payment.1 Complete payment
  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

NIBSS Test Data

In order for you to test NIBSS payment method available in Nigeria, please use the below test data.

NIBSS (Nigeria) Test Data
Data Value
Phone 23485844338

NIBSS (Nigeria) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in his first and last name, his email address and his phone number.

    1 Payment instructions

  2. The customer receives all the details needed to complete the payment.

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Nordea Test Data

In order for you to test Nordea payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Nordea Test Data
Data Value
User ID 123456
Password 1234
Confirmation code Any 3 digit number

Example: 123

Nordea Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters the payment details. He must fill the form with his User ID and password. The test User ID is 123456 and the test password is 1234.

    1 Payment details

  2. The customer enters the confirmation code and confirms the payment. The test confirmation code is formed by any 3 digit number, example: 123.

    1 Payment confirmation

  3. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page where he sees the payment details.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

OneCard Test Data

For OneCard payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

OneCard Payment Flow

  1. The Customer selects the preferred currency from the list.

    1 Select currency

  2. The customer logs in to his OneCard account with his email address and password.

    1 Login details

  3. The customer confirms the payment by clicking on the Yes button.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Online Bank Transfer Brazil Test Data

For Online Bank Transfer Brazil payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Online Bank Transfer Brazil Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CPF/CNPJ, and chooses his preferred payment option from the given list. Please note that for Brazil the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CPF/CNPJ. For more information about the CPF/CNPJ please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer logs in to his account by entering his login details in order to make the payment.

    1 Voucher

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Online Banking Thailand Test Data

For Online Banking Thailand payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Online Banking Thailand Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Phone Number, and chooses his preferred payment option from the given list.

    1 Enter details

  2. The customer enters the details required to login to the selected bank in order to make the payment.

    1 Login details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Online Banking Vietnam Test Data

For Online Banking Vietnam payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Online Banking Vietnam Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address (the below page can be skipped by sending the parameter in the payment request).

    1 Enter Email Address

  2. The customer has to choose his preferred payment option from the given list.

    1 Choose payment option

  3. The customer needs to enter the necessary credit card information: Name of the Cardholder, Card Number and Expiration Date. Then he needs to confirm the payment.

    1 Code via text message

  4. The customer receives a message that the payment was successfully processed.

    1 Payment successfully processed

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

OP-Pohjola Test Data

In order for you to test OP-Pohjola payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

OP-Pohjola Test Data
Data Value
User ID: 123456
Password: 7890
Key number: Enter any number.

Example: 123

OP-Pohjola Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his username and password for identification.

    1 Identification

  2. The Customer enters the key number. For test purposes, please enter the 4 digit number given in the form.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page where he sees the payment summary and details.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

Open Banking Test Data

In order for you to test the Open Banking payment method successfully, please use the test data provided. Please send in request any amount ending in xxx.30 and currency GBP in order to successfully perform an end to end test.

Open Banking Payment Flow

Open Banking Test Data
Data Value
First Name: Enter any name. Example: John
Last Name: Enter any name. Example: Doe
Email Address: Enter any valid email address. Example: person@test.com
Test Bank: Nuapay ASPSP
Street: Enter any value. Example: Rue. Mandatory parameter only for France.
Street number: Enter any value. Example: 12. Mandatory parameter only for France.
Zip-code: Enter any value. Example: 123456. Mandatory parameter only for France.
City: Enter any value. Example: Paris. Mandatory parameter only for France.
User Name: psu
Password: psu
  1. The customer enters his email address, name and chooses his bank from the provided list.

    1 Enter payment details

  2. The customer logs in to his Bank by entering his user name and password.

    1 Login to Bank

  3. The customer needs to prove his identity (Strong Customer Authentication).

    1 Strong Customer Authentication

  4. The customer selects his account from the provided list and completes the payment.

    1 Bank account

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is pending

Oxxo Pago en efectivo Test Data

In order for you to test Oxxo Pago en efectivo payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

Oxxo Pago en efectivo Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters the required details: email address, first name and last name.

    1 Enter name and email

  2. The customer receives a voucher with a barcode. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the voucher with the barcode and pay it at any Oxxo store.

    1 Payment instructions

Oxxo Test Data

For Oxxo payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Oxxo Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CURP/RFC/IFE.
    Please note that for Mexico the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CURP/RFC/IFE. For more information about the CURP/RFC/IFE please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer receives the printable voucher. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the voucher and present it to any Oxxo store in his area to make the payment.

    1 Enter account details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Pago Fácil Test Data

For Pago Fácil payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Pago Fácil Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and National Identity Document (DNI), and chooses his preferred payment option from the given list. Please note that for Argentina the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of DNI. For more information about the DNI please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer receives the printable voucher. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the voucher and present it to any Pago Fácil store in his area to make the payment.

    1 Enter account details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

PagoEfectivo Test Data

In order for you to test PagoEfectivo payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

PagoEfectivo Payment Flow

  1. The customer chooses the transaction currency and enters the required details. He completes the transaction by clicking on the Continue button.

    1 Payment details

  2. The customer receives the printable instructions that he has to follow in order to make the payment.

    1 Payment instructions

Pagos en efectivo Test Data

In order for you to test Pagos en efectivo (Argentina) payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

Pagos en efectivo Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters the required details: email address, first name and last name.

    1 Enter name and email

  2. The Customer receives a voucher containing the payment details. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the voucher and pay it at any PagoFácil / Rapipago / Provincia Pagos / CobroExpress branch in his area.

    1 Payment instructions

Clave Test Data

In order for you to test Clave payment method successfully, please use the test data provided. You will need a Panama VPN connection in order to successfully perform an end to end test.

Clave Payment Flow

Clave Test Data
Data Value
Email Address: Enter any valid email address. Example: youre@email.com
Phone Number: Enter any 7 digit number following the prefix +507. Example: 8339956
Card Number: 5038460000000019
Security Code ((CVV2, CVC2): 475
Expiration Date: 04-21
PIN Number: 1234
  1. The customer enters his email address and phone number and clicks on the Generate payment button.

    1 Select payment option

  2. The customer is redirected to Clave option page where he needs to register his credit card and customer details by entering the correct information for: Card Number, CVV, Expiration Date, PIN number, Last Name, First Name, Phone Number and Email Address. He continues the payment by clicking on the Accept button.

    1 Card details

  3. The customer enters his PIN Number and clicks on the Confirm button.

    1 PIN Number

  4. The customer clicks on the Verify PIN button.

    1 Verify PIN

  5. The customer is redirected to the confirmation page where he sees the payment details and clicks on the Confirm button.

    1 confirmation page

    1 Processing

  6. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Pay by Mobile Test Data

In order for you to test Pay by Mobile payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Pay by Mobile Test Data
Data Value
Network operator Enter any network operator from the list: Vodafone, Orange, T-mobile.
Phone number: Enter any 9 digit number. Example: (+40) 745123456

With Pay by Mobile payment method there are two types of payment flows available depending on the connection of the chosen country. The two types of flows are presented below:

Pay by mobile Payment Flow with SMS

  • The user sends a keyword (certain text) to a specific number phone number and receives a reply message back that contains information regarding the transaction:
  1. The Customer selects his network operator and enters his phone number.1 Enter phone number
  2. The Customer receives instructions in order to confirm the transaction. He needs to send an SMS containing a keyword to a specific phone number given in the instructions.1 Send SMS
  3. The customer receives the payment confirmation.1 Payment confirmation
  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

Pay by mobile Payment Flow with PIN

  • The user inserts their phone number (if it is not automatically detected while using data), a code / PIN is sent to this number, which they insert in the payment window:
  1. The Customer selects his network operator and enters his phone number and chooses to complete the transaction with a payment code (PIN).1 Enter phone number
  2. The Customer receives a payment code (PIN) which he enters it in the appropriate field in order to confirm the transaction.1 Enter code
  3. The customer receives the payment confirmation.1 Payment confirmation
  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

In order to see a full example of a Pay by Mobile subscription request go to our section Pay By Mobile Subscription. The parameters of the payment are sent in the message body as a JSON object.

Pay Now Test Data

In order for you to test Pay Now payment method (former SOFORT Banking) successfully, please use the below test data.

Pay Now Test Data
Data Value
Bank: Demo Bank
Accunt Number: 00000
PIN: Enter any 3 digit number
Account: Select one of the accounts listed in the form.
TAN: 12345

Pay Now Payment Flow

  1. The Customer fills the form with his name and email:1 Enter name and email
  2. The Customer waits while the page is being loaded in the new design:1 Enter name and email
  3. The customer enters the Bank name or Sort code (Bank code). For test purposes, the Bank name is Demo Bank and the Sort code can have 2 values: 88888888 or 00000.1 Enter Sort Code
  4. The customer enters his login details. The test Account number and PIN number are formed by any digit number; e.g.: 1234.1 Enter login details
  5. The customer selects the payment account. For test purposes, please select one of the accounts given in the form.1 Account selection
  6. The customers confirms the payment by entering the TAN number. The test TAN number value: 12345.1 Transaction confirmation
  7. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page.1 Nuvei payment page with success status
  8. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Pay With Crypto Test Data

For Pay With Crypto payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works on the TEST environment with the payment flow given below. To see how it works on Production environment please checkout the following link: Production Payment Flow.

Pay With Crypto Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address.1 Customer details
  2. The customer is redirected to the Pay With Crypto page where they are prompted to choose the cryptocurrency in which the payment will be made. For testing purposes, please choose Ethereum.1 Payment details
  3. After choosing the crypto currency, the customer can complete the payment by using the QR Code or by copying the crypto address and the exact amount displayed on page.1 Account login
  4. The customer goes to his crypto wallet to complete the payment by clicking on the Send button.1 Account login
  5. The customer adds the crypto address that he previously saved.1 Account login
  6. The customer adds the exact amount in the Amount field and clicks on the Next button.1 Account login
  7. The customer sees the payment details, including the amount and currency and confirms the payment.1 Account login
  8. The customer is redirected to a payment processing message page.1 Account login
  9. The customer is redirected to a payment confirmation page.1 Account login
  10. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

Pay4Me Malaysia Test Data

For Pay4Me Malaysia payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Pay4Me Malaysia Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.1 Customer details
  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with Pay4Me Malaysia by entering the payer email and contact number.1 Payment details
  3. The customer sees the payment details and the information regarding the completion of the payment.1 Account login
  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

PayEasy Japan Test Data

In order for you to test PayEasy Japan payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

PayEasy Japan Test Data
Data Value
Last Name: Enter any name
First Name: Enter any name
Phone Number: Enter any 10 digit number.

Example: 1234567812

PayEasy Japan Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer enters the payment details. He must fill the form with his last name, first name and a valid phone. For test purposes, please provide any first and last name and also any 10 digit phone number.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page where he sees the payment summary and details. He will also receive an email containg further instructions for completing the purchase.

    1 Payment instructions

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Paysafecard Test Data

For Paysafecard payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Paysafecard Payment Flow

  1. The Customer chooses his preferred currency from the list and enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer enters the 16 digit PIN. He also has to check and agree to the Terms of Paysafecard before completing the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Paysera Test Data

In order for you to test the Paysera payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

Paysera Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer needs to check the country from the list and select a bank where he will pay.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

PayTM Test Data

For PayTM payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

PayTM – Test Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Permanent account number (PAN).
    Please note that for India the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of PAN. For more information about the PAN please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer is redirected to the PayTM Wallet where he needs to add the mobile number registered for the wallet account.1 Login
  3. The Customer checks the payment resume and confirms the payment by clicking on the Pay now button.1 Confirm payment
  4. Payment is processed. Once confirmed, the customer is routed back to order confirmation. The customer receives a message that the payment has been completed correctly.1 Process payment
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

PayU Test Data

For PayU (former DineroMail) payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

PayU (former DineroMail) Payment Flow

  1. The Customer selects the preferred currency from the list.

    1 Select currency

  2. The customer needs to enter his login details: full name and email address.

    1 Login details

  3. The customer chooses his preferred payment method from the list.

    1 Choose payment method

  4. After selecting his preferred method of payment, the customer needs to enter the necessary payment details. He then continues the payment by using the Pay button.

    1 Payment details

  5. The customer receives a message that the payment was successfully processed. The customer sees the payment summary and has the possibility to print or download the transaction details.

    1 Payment confirmation

  6. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

PayWithMyBank Test Data

In order for you to test PayWithMyBank payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

PayWithMyBank Test Data
Bank Name: Demo Bank
User: Enter any user. Example: Test Person
Password: Enter any number. Example: 12345
Account: Demo Checking Account

PayWithMyBank Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address and name.

    1 Enter email and name

  2. The Customer selects his preferred Bank from the drop-down list. For test purposes, please choose Demo Bank.

    1 Select Bank

  3. The Customer enters his account login details using an username and a password.

    1 Login details

  4. The Customer chooses an account and confirms the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

PesaLink (Kenya) Test Data

In order for you to test PesaLink payment method available in Kenya, please use the below test data.

PesaLink (Kenya) Test Data
Data Value
Phone 255653560949

PesaLink (Kenya) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in his personal details, including: his first and last name, email address and phone number. Then, the customer chooses the desired bank from the provided list.

    1 Payment instructions

  2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.

    1 Payment instructions

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

POLi Test Data

In order for you to test POLi payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

POLi Test Data
Data Value
User DemoShopper
Password DemoShopper

POLi Payment Flow

  1. The Customer selects his Bank from the list and proceeds with the payment.

    1 Select bank

  2. The Customer enters the login details. He must fill the form with his Username and password and click the Login button.

    1 Login details

  3. The Customer needs to select the bank account he wants to transfer money from and click the Continue button.

    1 Select bank account

  4. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page where he sees the payment summary and details. He completes the transaction by clicking on the Confirm button.

    1 Transaction confirmation

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

PostFinance Card Test Data

For PostFinance Card payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

PostFinance Card Payment Flow

  1. The customer has the possibility to pay via PostFinance App or via his PostFinance Card.

    1 ID Number

  2. If the customer chooses to pay with the PostFinance App, he uses the QR code for registration with the PostFinance App. He starts the PostFinance and selects “Pay in online shops” via the menu in the top left.

    1 ID Number

  3. If the customer chooses to pay with his PostFinance Card, he enters his ID number and continues the payment.

    1 ID Number

  4. The customer enters his Card Number. He finalizes the payment by using the Pay button.

    1 Card number

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

PostFinance e-finance Test Data

For PostFinance e-finance payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

PostFinance e-finance Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his e-finance number or usernames and password. For customers with several users (e.g. partner account): they need to enter their user ID as well. He confirms by using Next button.

    1 Login details

  2. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Przelewy24 Test Data

In order for you to test Przelewy24 (P24) payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Przelewy24 Test Data
To send in description Value
For Success TEST_OK
For Failed TEST_ERR04, TEST_ERR102, TEST_ERR106

Przelewy24 Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer selects his Bank from the list.

    1 Bank selection

  3. The customer can see all the details of the payment provided in the form and he can further confirm the payment by clicking on the pay button.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. The customer waits for payment confirmation, while the transaction processes.

    1 Waiting confirmation

  5. The customer receives a message that the payment has been completed correctly.

    1 Payment completed

  6. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

PSE Colombia Test Data

For PSE Colombia payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

PSE Colombia Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CC. Please note that for Colombia the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of CC. For more information about the CC please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer sees the payment summary and chooses the payment option.

    1 Payment summary

  3. The customer needs to enter the necessary details in order to complete the transaction.

    1 Payment details

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

PSE Test Data

For PSE payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

PSE Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. After selecting the payment method, the customer enters the required information and proceeds with the payment using the Pay button.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer enters his email address registered in PSE and completes the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Public Bank Online Test Data

For Public Bank Online payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Public Bank Online Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with Public Bank Online.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his Public Bank Online account by entering his User ID and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

QIWI Wallet Test Data

For QIWI Wallet payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

QIWI Wallet Payment Flow

  1. The Customer chooses his preferred currency from the list and enters his phone number.

    1 Enter phone number

  2. The Customer enters his QIWI Wallet password before proceeding with the payment.

    1 Login details

  3. The customer sees his account balance and the amount to pay. He continues the transaction by clicking on the Pay button.

    1 Account details

  4. The customer confirms the transaction by entering the one time pass code received via SMS.

    1 Payment confirmation

  5. The customer receives the payment confirmation.

    1 Payment confirmation received

  6. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Rapi Pago Test Data

For Rapi Pago payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Rapi Pago Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and National Identity Document (DNI), and chooses his preferred payment option from the given list. Please note that for Argentina the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of DNI. For more information about the DNI please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer receives the printable voucher. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the voucher and present it to any Rapi Pago store in his area to make the payment.

    1 Voucher

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Redpagos Test Data

For Redpagos payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Redpagos Payment Flow

    1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Identity Card (CI).
      Please note that for Uruguay the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of Identity Card (CI). For more information about the CI please click here.

      1 Enter customer details

    2. The customer receives a message that the payment has been initiated successfully together with the payment details. In order to complete the payment, he needs to know the invoice number and pay it at any Redpagos store in his area.

      1 Payment details

    3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

      1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Referenced Payment Test Data

For Referenced Payment payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Referenced Payment Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer selects his preferred payment method from the list.

    1 Select payment method

  3. The customer receives a voucher containing the payment details and a barcode. He needs to print the voucher with the barcode and pay it at any branch of Bancolombia or Banco de Occidente in the country.

    1 Print voucher

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

RHB Test Data

For RHB payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

RHB Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with RHB.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Rupay Cards Test Data

In order for you to test the Rupay Cards payment method successfully, please use the test data provided below.

Rupay Cards – Payment Flow

Rupay Cards Test Data
Data Value
Email Address: Enter any valid email address. Example: person@test.com
Name: Enter any name. Example: John Doe
Permanent account number (PAN): Enter: ABCDE1234F
  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Permanent account number (PAN).
    Please note that for India the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of PAN. For more information about the PAN please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer enters his name and card details: Card Number, CVC (CSC) and Expiration Date, and finalizes the payment by using the Pay button.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer receives a message that the payment has been approved.

    1 Payment details

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

Santander Pago referenciado Test Data

In order for you to test Santander Pago referenciado payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

Santander Pago referenciado Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters the required details: email address, first name and last name.

    1 Enter name and email

  2. The customer receives the payment instructions. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the instructions and go to a physical bank branch in his area and pay with cash or check deposit.

    1 Payment instructions

Santander Rio Test Data

For Santander Rio payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Santander Rio Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and National Identity Document (DNI).
    Please note that for Argentina the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of DNI. For more information about the DNI please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The Customer checks the deposit instructions and proceeds with the payment.

    1 Enter account details

  3. The customer logs in to his Santander Rio account by entering the document number, his Santander Rio key and his user name.

    1 Enter account details

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Sberbank SMS/Online Test Data

For Sberbank SMS/Online payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Sberbank SMS/Online Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer is redirected to Sberbank payment page where he has two options to pay: by text message or through Sberbank Online.

    If the customer chooses to pay by text message confirmation he will fill the phone number.

    1 Enter phone number

  3. The customer will receive a text message to which he needs to reply with a code to confirm the payment.

    1 Request sent

  4. The text message with the code to confirm the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  5. If the customer chooses to pay through Sberbank Online he will select the option and fill his phone number.

    1 Enter phone number

  6. The customer logs as usual into his Sberbank online account where he selects the card to be used.

    1 Login details

  7. The customer reviews the payment details and confirms the payment by sms password. He can also use a password printed on a receipt at any Sberbank ATM or terminal.

    1 Payment details

  8. The customer can also use a password printed on a receipt at any Sberbank ATM or terminal.

    1 Payment confirmation

  9. The customer receives a sms with a password for confirmation of the transaction.

    1 Sms password

  10. Complete the payment by using the received password.

    1 Payment confirmation

  11. The payment is confirmed.

    1 Payment confirmation received

ScotiaBank Pago referenciado Test Data

In order for you to test ScotiaBank Pago referenciado payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

ScotiaBank Pago referenciado Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters the required details: email address, first name and last name.

    1 Enter name and email

  2. The customer receives the payment instructions. In order to complete the payment, he needs to print the instructions and go to a physical bank branch in his area and pay with cash or check deposit.

    1 Payment instructions

SEPA Direct Debit Test Data

For SEPA Direct Debit payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

SEPA Direct Debit Payment Flow

    1. Make a Preapproval request to initiate a Direct Debit mandate with all the mandatory parameters (including Customer Name, Email and Address).

    2. The Customer is redirected to the Provider’s page to fill the IBAN Number:

      1 Iban Number required

    3. The Customer fills the phone number:

      1 Phone number required

    4. The Customer confirms the mandate using the 4-DIGIT CODE SMS code received:

      1 4-DIGIT CODE SMS

    5. The Customer is redirected back to the Merchant website:

      1 Preapproval ReturnURL

    6. The Customer receives the digital signed mandate via email:

      1 Received digital signed mandate

    7. You will receive a notification from our system which needs to be answered with 204 NoContent.

      Based on the PreapprovalID, Direct Debits can be initiated.

      For more detailed information regarding recurring payments, please visit our section: Recurring Payments API

Servipag Test Data

For Servipag payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Servipag Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and RUT. Please note that for Chile the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of RUT. For more information about the RUT please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer receives the printable payment details. He needs to pay the exact amount at any Servipag branch in his area.

    Please take into consideration the expiration date printed on the ticket, in order to complete the payment before the ticket expires!

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Skrill Test Data

In order for you to test Skrill payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Skrill Test Data
Data Value
Email address partnersuccess-s2p@nuvei.com
Password partnersuccess-s2p@Paysafe123
Skrill Test Credit Cards
Data Value
Mastercard 5232000000123456
Visa 4000001234567890
Amex 371234500012340
Card 4555781766550806

Please use only very small amounts, in order to keep the test account balance in check! After a test transaction, we recommend you to make a refund, so that your Skrill test account balance to be kept in check!

In order to see a full example of a payment request and all the parameters needed for Skrill payment method go to our section Skrill Payment Request or Skrill 1-TAP Payment Request. The parameters of the payment are sent in the message body as a JSON object.

Skrill Payment Flow

  1. The customer selects his preferred currency from the list and enters his email address.1 Customer details
  2. The customer logs in to his Skrill account by entering his email address and password.1 Account Login
  3. The customer sees his account balance and the amount to pay. He continues the transaction by clicking on the Pay Now button.1 Account Balance
  4. The customer receives the payment confirmation.1 Payment confirmation received
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Skrill 1_TAP Payment Flow

  1. The customer selects his preferred currency from the list and enters his email address.1 Customer details
  2. The customer logs in to his Skrill account by entering his email address and password.1 Account Login
  3. The customer enters the required card details to make the payment, such as name, card number, expiration date and card CVV/CVC.1 Card details required
  4. The customer receives the payment confirmation.1 Payment confirmation received
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

SPEI Test Data

For SPEI payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

SPEI Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CURP/RFC/IFE.
    Please note that for Mexico the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CURP/RFC/IFE. For more information about the CURP/RFC/IFE please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer receives the printable payment details in order to complete the payment.

    1 Enter account details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

T-Cash Test Data

For T-Cash payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

T-Cash Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer receives the details of the payment and proceeds to pay with T-Cash.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer confirms the payment using a TCash token.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

TELE2 Test Data

In order for you to test the TELE2 payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

TELE2 Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his phone number belonging to TELE2 mobile operator. Depending on the customer’s amount of his phone balance, his payment request will be approved or declined.

    1 Enter phone number

  2. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Tenpay Test Data

For Tenpay payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Tenpay Payment Flow

  1. The Customer selects the preferred currency from the list and enters his email address and name.

    1 Select currency

  2. The customer needs to login to his Tenpay account with his account number and password.

    1 Login details

  3. The customer needs to confirm the payment by introducing the payment password.

    1 Payment password

  4. The customer receives a message that the payment was successfully processed.

    1 Payment confirmation

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Tigo Test Data

For Tigo payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Tigo Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in the Phone number.

    1 Payment instructions

  2. The customer receives the details needed to complete the payment.

    1 Payment instructions

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Tingg Test Data

In order for you to test Tingg payment method available in Nigeria, please use the below test data.

Tingg (Nigeria) Test Data
Data Value
Phone 23485844338

Tingg (Nigeria) Payment Flow

  1. The customer fills in his first and last name, his email address and his phone number.

    1 Payment instructions

  2. The customer receives all the details needed to complete the payment.

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

ToditoCash Test Data

For ToditoCash payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

ToditoCash Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, his name and the necessary card details, such as Card number and PIN. He completes the transaction by clicking on the Continue button.

    1 Payment details

  2. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Touch’n Go eWallet Test Data

For Touch’n Go eWallet payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Touch’n Go eWallet Payment Flow

  1. The customer is redirected to the Touch’n Go website where they are prompted to scan a QR code using the Touch’n Go app.

    1 Type of payment

  2. The user confirms the payment and it is redirected to the Result page.

    1 Payment confirmation

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Touch’n Go Test Data

For Touch’n Go payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Touch’n Go Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Phone Number.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer confirms the payment after reviewing all the details of the payment.

    1 Print Boleto

  3. The customer can pay now with his Touch’n Go Wallet. Download and register for the Touch ‘n Go eWallet app, tap on the “Scan” icon and scan the QR code here to complete the payment.

    1 Print Boleto

Transferência entre Contas Test Data

For Transferência entre Contas payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Transferência entre Contas Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and CPF/CNPJ, and chooses his preferred payment option from the given list. Please note that for Brazil the Customer Social Security Number parameter consists of CPF/CNPJ. For more information about the CPF/CNPJ please click here.

    1 Enter name and email

  2. The customer logs in to his account by entering his login details in order to make the payment.1 Enter details
  3. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Truemoney Test Data

For Truemoney payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Truemoney Payment Flow

  1. The customer is redirected to the Truemoney website where they are prompted to scan a QR code using the Truemoney app.

    1 Type of payment

  2. The user confirms the payment and it is redirected to the Result page.

    1 Payment confirmation

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Trustly Test Data

In order for you to test Trustly payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Trustly Test Data
Data Value
Bank Choose any available Bank from the list
Personal number A 10 digit number. Example: 1111111111
One time code The 6 digit code given in the form
Account Choose any account from the list
One time code The 6 digit code given in the form
Trustly Test Data
Data Value
Bank For Sweden Banks that have a MasterCard / Visa option
Card Number Any 16 digit number. Example: 2222-2222-2222-2222
Expiration Date Choose a month and a year at least equal than the current month and year
Security Code Any 3 digit number. Example: 123

Trustly Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his first name, last name, email address and selects his preferred currency from the list.

    1 Select currency

  2. The customer chooses his preferred Bank from the list. For test purposes, please choose any available Bank from the list.

    1 Bank selection

  3. Please take into consideration that in Test mode you have the opportunity to try out different test options.

    1 Bank selection

  4. The customer enters his Personal number. The test Personal number is any 10 digit number, like: 1111111111.

    1 Enter login details

  5. The customer enters his one time code to register the payment. The one time code is formed from a 6 digit number given in the form.

    1 Select currency

  6. The customer selects the account from which to pay. For test purposes, please select any account from the list.

    1 Account selection

  7. In case the payment amount is above the instant deposit limit, the customer will be noticed that the transfer may take up to 3 banking days to complete.

    1 Account selection

  8. The customer enters his one time code to confirm the payment. The one time code is formed from a 6 digit number given in the form.

    1 Transaction confirmation

  9. The customer receives the payment confirmation and transfer details.

    1 Transaction confirmation

  10. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a succes

TrustPay Test Data

In order for you to test TrustPay payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data. You only need to provide a valid email address.

TrustPay Payment Flow

  1. The Customer fills the form with his email and selects his preferred currency.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer selects his Bank from the list.

    1 Select bank

  3. The Customer pays the transaction having the option to pay now or later.

    1 Pay transaction

  4. The customer confirms the transaction by clicking on the Ok button.

    1 Transaction confirmation

  5. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page.

    1 Confirmation page

  6. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

UnionPay Test Data

In order for you to test UnionPay payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

UnionPay Test Data
Credit Card Number: 8171999927660000
Mobile Phone: +85211112222
CVN2: 123
Expiration Date: Month/Year: 12/30
SMS Code on PC: 111111
SMS Code on Mobile: 123456

UnionPay Payment Flow

  1. The Customer chooses his preferred currency and enters his email address.1 Enter email
  2. The customer chooses the option to pay as a guest and enters his card number to proceed with the payment.1 Enter card number
  3. The customer enters the necessary card information. He also has to check and agree to The User Agreement of UnionPay and choose whether the card number to be remembered or not. After the customer verifies the information he clicks on the Confirm and Pay button.1 Enter card details
  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

UOB Online Test Data

For UOB Online payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

UOB Online Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with UOB Online.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his UOB account by entering his User ID and password, and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

UPI Test Data

For UPI payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flows given below for Test and Production environment.

UPI – Test Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Permanent account number (PAN).
    Please note that for India the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of PAN. For more information about the PAN please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer logs in to his account by entering his Customer ID and password. For test purposes, enter any Customer ID and password.1 Payment instructions
  3. The Customer checks the payment resume and proceeds with the payment by clicking on the Confirm button. For test purposes, please choose and click Paid status from the ones provided on the page.1 Payment instructions
  4. The customer receives a message that the payment has been completed correctly. Confirm by using OK button.1 Payment confirmation
  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

UPI – Production Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and Permanent account number (PAN).
    Please note that for India the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of PAN. For more information about the PAN please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer is redirected to the page where he chooses the desired option to complete the payment – UPI QR Code or one of UPI apps.1 Payment instructions
  3. In order to complete the payment, the customer needs to enter his UPI address.
    1 Payment instructions
  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Via Baloto Test Data

For Via Baloto payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Via Baloto Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer selects his preferred payment method from the list.

    1 Select payment method

  3. The customer receives the payment instructions and clicks on the Generate Invoice button.

    1 Generate invoice

  4. The customer receives the payment receipt containing the payment details. He needs to print the receipt and pay it at any branch of Via Baloto in the country.

    1 Payment receipt

VoguePay Test Data

For VoguePay payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

VoguePay Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer logs in to his VoguePay account with his username or email and password.

    1 Login details

  3. The customer receives the payment confirmation.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

VTC Pay Test Data

For VTC Pay payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

VTC Pay Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address (the below page can be skipped by sending the parameter in the payment request).

    1 Enter Email Address

  2. The customer has to choose his preferred payment method from the list.

    1 Choose payment method

  3. After choosing the payment method the customer logs in to his VTC Pay account by using his account number and password.

    1 Account login

  4. The customer will receive a a code via text message to his phone number which he needs to enter to confirm the payment.

    1 Code via text message

  5. The customer receives a message that the payment was successfully processed.

    1 Payment successfully processed

  6. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

VTC Pay Wallet Test Data

For VTC Pay Wallet payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

VTC Pay Wallet Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address (the below page can be skipped by sending the parameter in the payment request).

    1 Enter Email Address

  2. The customer logs in to his VTC Pay Wallet account by using his account number and password.

    1 Account login

  3. The customer will receive a a code via text message to his phone number which he needs to enter to confirm the payment.

    1 Code via text message

  4. The customer receives a message that the payment was successfully processed.

    1 Payment successfully processed

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Webcash Test Data

For Webcash payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Webcash Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details of his payment and proceeds to pay with Webcash.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer logs in to his account and completes the payment.

    1 Account login

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

WebMoney Japan Test Data

In order for you to test WebMoney Japan payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

WebMoney Japan Test Data
Prepaid Number Type
1111111111111111 Successful transaction
e111111111111112 Invalid card number
e111111111111113 Prepaid card has already been used
e111111111111114 Card has been declined due to an unknown error

WebMoney Japan Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer enters the payment details. He must fill the form with a valid Prepaid Number. For test purposes, please type the 16 digit prepaid number: 1111-1111-1111-1111, for a successful transaction.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer is redirected to the provider’s confirmation page where he also sees the payment summary.

    1 Payment confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Success

WebMoney Transfer Test Data

For WebMoney Transfer payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

WebMoney Transfer Payment Flow

  1. The customer chooses his preferred currency from the list and enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer logs in to his WebMoney Transfer account by entering his login data (WMID, email address or phone number) and password.

    1 Account login

  3. The customer selects one WMID from the list and continues the payment.

    1 Select WMID

  4. The customer selects his purse/wallet (if he does not have a purse/wallet in the transaction currency one will be automatically created).

    The customer can confirm the payment:

    • by receiving a SMS on his registered phone number
    • by receiving a code using the E-Num application installed in his mobile device.

    1 Payment confirmation option

  5. Using his E-Num application the customer scans the QR-code and enters the response code received, in order to confirm the payment.

    1 Payment confirmation

  6. The customer verifies the transaction details and he also has the possibility to print them.

    1 Transaction details

  7. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

WebPay Test Data

For WebPay payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

WebPay Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his Email Address, Name and RUT. Please note that for Chile the CustomerSocialSecurityNumber parameter consists of RUT. For more information about the RUT please click here.

    1 Enter customer details

  2. The customer needs to choose the preferred payment option and enter the necessary details in order to complete the payment.

    1 Payment details

WeChat Test Data

For WeChat payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

WeChat Payment Flow

  1. The customer selects his preferred currency from the list and enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. You can skip this step by sending in the initial POST the following parameters: SkipHPP=1 and CustomerEmail.

  3. The Customer is redirected to WeChat payment page.

    1 WeChat payment page

  4. The Customer opens WeChat application and scans the QR code.

    1 QR code scanning

  5. The payment details are displayed and the customer confirms by using the payment password.

    1 Payment confirmation

  6. The payment is confirmed.

    1 Payment successful

  7. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

XL Tunai Test Data

For XL Tunai payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

XL Tunai Payment Flow

  1. The customer enters his email address, name and phone number.

    1 Customer details

  2. The customer is shown the details and the payment instructions.

    1 Payment details

Yandex Test Data

For Yandex payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Yandex Payment Flow

  1. The customer chooses the payment currency from the list.

    1 Select currency

  2. The Customer logs in to his Yandex.Money account with his username and password.

    1 Login details

  3. The customer sees the payment summary and he confirms the payment by introducing the payment password.

    1 Confirm transaction

  4. The customer receives the payment confirmation.

    1 Payment confirmation

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Yandex.Money Test Data

For Yandex.Money payment method there aren’t any test data available, but you can see how it works with the payment flow given below.

Yandex.Money Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer logs in to his Yandex.Money account with his username and password.

    1 Login details

  3. The customer sees the payment summary and he confirms the payment by introducing the payment password.

    1 Confirm transaction

  4. The customer receives the payment confirmation.

    1 Payment confirmation

  5. Upon completion of the payment flow the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Bank Transfer Test Data

In order for you to test Bank Transfer payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

Bank Transfer Payment Flow

  1. The customer will be redirected to the payment page where he enters his name and email address.

    1 Enter name

  2. The customer receives the details to make the payment of the transaction. He also has the possibility to print the payment details.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

SSGPAY Test Data

In order for you to test SSGPAY payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data. Be sure to use amount greater than 100 KRW.

SSGPAY Payment Flow

  1. The customer will be redirected to the payment page where he enters his name, email address and phone number.

    1 Enter name, email and phone

  2. The customer is redirected to a page where he enters the necessary payment details in order to complete the payment.
  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

UPI Test data

In order for you to test UPI payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data. Note, however, that requests are subjected to amount limits checks.

UPI Payment Flow

  1. In order to initiate a payment, the customer must insert the below mandatory details:
    First and last name, Email, Phone, Address (street, city, zip code, state) and then press Continue.

    1 Enter name

  2. The customer will be redirected to the payment page where he has to choose either of the presented options: Approve for successful transaction completion; Decline in order to reject the payment and Cancel for transaction cancellation .

    1 Enter name

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

NetBanking Test Data

In order for you to test NetBanking payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data. Note, however, that requests are subjected to amount limits checks.

NetBanking Payment Flow

  1. In order to initiate a payment, the customer must insert the below mandatory details:
    First and last name, Email, Phone, Address (street, city, zip code, state) and then press Continue.

    1 Enter name

  2. The customer will be redirected to the payment page where he has to choose either of the presented options: Approve for successful transaction completion; Decline in order to reject the payment and Cancel for transaction cancellation .

    1 Enter name

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Afterpay Test data

To successfully test the Afterpay payment method, an active account must be registered with the provider: it must have a valid email address and its usage is limited to one country.
Note that requests are subjected to amount limits checks.
The payment method supports either direct capture or an authorization-capture flow.

Afterpay Payment Flow

    1. In order to initiate a payment, the customer must provide the below mandatory details:
      First and last name, Email, Phone, Billing Address (street, city, zip code, state, country) and then press Continue.
      If no client details are sent, our intermediary page is displayed, in order to collect the necessary data:

      1 Enter name

    2. The client is then redirected to the payment page where they are presented with the payment schedule.

      1 Enter name

      Here, they can press on the Payment Method tab and add a new card that will be saved for future purchases.

      1 Enter name

      If testing for payment completion, please insert the below card and CVV(s):
      Card Number: 4111 1111 1111 1111;
      Expiry date: must be in the future;
      CVV: 000 for an approved capture;
      CVV: 051 for a declined capture.

      Once done, the Confirm button must be pressed.

      1 Enter name

    3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is shown the provider’s processing page.

      1 Provider processing page

      After which they are redirected to your ReturnURL.

      1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Depending on your Capture settings, after the client finished all the necessary steps, the payment can have its status set to either Success (with the automatic capture option enabled) or Authorized. If the later status is shown for a particular transaction, a Capture time frame is active for 13 days. If this time period expires, the payment is automatically cancelled and refunded by the provider and no further Capture action can be performed on that particular Authorization order.

Clearpay Test data

To successfully test the Clearpay payment method, an active account must be registered with the provider, containing a valid email address.
Note that requests are subjected to amount limits checks.
The payment method supports either direct capture or an authorization-capture flow.

Clearpay Payment Flow

    1. In order to initiate a payment, the customer must provide the below mandatory details: First and last name, Email, Phone, Billing Address (street, city, zip code, state, country) and then press Continue.


    2. The client is then redirected to the provider payment page where they are presented with the payment schedule.

      1 Enter name

      Here, they can press on the Payment Method tab and add a new card that will be saved for future purchases.

      1 Enter name

      If testing for payment completion, please insert the below card and CVV:
      Card Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242;
      Expiry date: must be in the future;
      CVV: 123;

      Once done, the Confirm button must be pressed.

      1 Enter name


    3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is shown the provider’s processing page.

      1 Provider processing page

      After which they are redirected to your ReturnURL.

      1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Depending on your Capture settings, after the client finished all the necessary steps, the payment can have its status set to either Success (with the automatic capture option enabled) or Authorized. If the later status is shown for a particular transaction, a Capture time frame is active for 13 days. If this time period expires, the payment is automatically cancelled and refunded by the provider and no further Capture action can be performed on that particular Authorization order.


Bizum Test Data

In order for you to test Bizum payment method successfully, you need to add for phone number – 700000000. Also, be sure to use amount lower than 15.00 EUR .

Bizum Payment Flow

  1. The customer will be redirected to the payment page where he enters his name, email address and phone number.

    1 Enter name, email and phone

  2. The customer needs to confirm the phone number in order to complete the payment.

    1 Payment details

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

Toss Test Data

In order for you to test the Toss payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

Toss Test Data
Data Value
Phone Number: Enter valid phone number. Example: 0702623250
Birth Date: Enter any 6 digit number. Example: 120456

Toss Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The Customer must provide his phone number and birth date to complete the payment.

    1 Payment details

  3. The customer is redirected to the provider’s page where he sees the amount of payment and further instruction for completing the purchase.

    1 Payment instructions

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

KakaoPay Test Data

In order for you to test KakaoPay payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

KakaoPay Payment Flow

  1. The customer will be redirected to the payment page where he enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer will be redirected to the payment page where he has to choose either of the presented options: Deposit for successful transaction completion and Cancellation for cancelled transaction.

    1 Payment options

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

NaverPay Test Data

In order for you to test NaverPay payment method successfully, you don’t need any given test data.

NaverPay Payment Flow

  1. The customer is redirected to the payment page where he enters his email address.

    1 Enter email

  2. The customer is redirected to the provider’s page where he must select the “Pay with” option .

    1 Pay with

  3. The customer will be redirected to the payment page where he has to choose either of the presented options: Deposit for successful transaction completion and Cancellation for cancelled transaction.

    1 Payment options

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing

Zalo Pay Test Data

In order for you to test Zalo Pay payment method successfully, it is necessary to have the Zalo Pay application installed on your phone and use the below test data to log in to the application and confirm payments. Be sure to use amount greater than 10000 VND.

Zalo Pay Test Data
Data Value
Account 0909700980
Password 111 111
OTP 111 111

Zalo Pay Payment Flow

  1. The Customer enters his email address.
    1 Enter email
  2. The Customer is redirected to Zalo Pay payment page.
    1 Zalo Pay payment page
  3. The Customer opens Zalo Pay mobile application and scans the QR code.
    1 QR code scanning
  4. The payment details are displayed and the customer confirms by using the payment password.
    1 Payment confirmation
  5. The payment is confirmed.
    1 Payment successful
  6. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected back to your ReturnURL.
    1 Return page when the redirection status is Processing


To successfully test the CashApp payment method, you need to have a smartphone with a valid QR code reader that allows for completion of a Web based flow. If you are sending a mobile request for testing purposes, the provided mobile playground will only ask for approval or denial of the payment initiation without the need of using such a device. The payment method supports either direct capture or an authorization-capture flow; this applies to both Web or Mobile initiated payments.

Note that requests are subjected to amount limits checks.

CashApp Payment Flow

In order to initiate a payment, the customer must provide the below mandatory details: Amount, Currency and Country.

CashApp Web Payment Flow

The client is redirected to the payment page where they are presented with a QR code that must be scanned using the smartphone QR camera reader.

1 Enter name

After scanning the QR code, a new payment menu page will pop-up on the smartphone, providing 2 payment actions: Approve or Decline. If the client chooses to press Approve, the transaction is considered to be either Authorized or Success, depending on the settings made to the payment flow.

  • After which they are redirected to the Success ReturnURL.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

If the client presses Decline, the transaction is Cancelled and has it’s status updated to Cancel.

1 Enter name

After which they are redirected to the Cancel ReturnURL.

1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

CashApp Web Payment Flow

Similar to the first flow, the client is redirected to the payment page, however, they are directly presented with the Approve or Decline options. The actions that can be taken by the client are the same as the aforementioned Web flow.

1 Enter name

For both Web and Mobile flow, full and single partial Captures are supported; no multiple partial Captures are allowed by the provider.

iDEAL 2.0 Test Data

In order for you to test the iDEAL payment method successfully, please use the below test data.

iDEAL Test Data
Data Value
Your bank: TESTNL2A

iDEAL 2.0 Payment Flow – Desktop version

  1. The customer selects the bank from the iDEAL page.

    1 Bank selection

  2. The customer confirms the transaction by clicking on the Success button.

    1 Transaction confirmation

  3. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to your ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success

iDEAL 2.0 Payment Flow – Mobile version

  1. The list of banks is displayed.

    1 Bank selection

  2. The customer selects the bank from the page.

    1 Bank selection

  3. The customer confirms the transaction by clicking on the Success button.

    1 Transaction confirmation

  4. Upon completion of the payment flow, the customer is redirected to Success ReturnUrl.

    1 Return page when the redirection status is a success